I’m not sure what youar saying Juan, forgive me.Dear Ben:
You probably will agree with Franz Brentano that to be conscious is always to be conscious of something. Conscience could be understood phenomenologically as the simultaneous emergence of things and the self. Why we cannot be conscious of other consciences? Is it because our conscience is imperfect? No, it is because such thing is impossible. If you were conscious of another conscience you would not be able to distinguish it from yourself.
You say that you are anxious because you cannot be certain about the existence of other consciences. On the one hand, you should take it precisely as a guarantee that other consciences might exist (and you can continue with the meditation using other means; for example, considering how language precedes you). On the other hand, you might be even more anxious if you think that I might have doubts about your existence and your consciousness.
Are you trying to say that I can’t know an external world? You say its impossible to be conscious of other people’s consciosness…but then say I can guarantee that other consciences might exist.
Could you clairfy, if you can, please?