I’m thinking you probably misunderstand the viewpoint of those who object to the anthropomorphic climate change/income redistribution solution.
I think anyone can agree that scientists are measuring data and can make conclusions based on data.
The motivations of the science/government community and the conclusions and solutions they reach are the debatable items.
I have an earth science degree. Scientists can be very biased and collusive when it comes to securing government research money and securing their families. We all want security.
First of all no one is proposing income distribution. That is a red herring, plus policies should not determine science, but rather policies should be based on science.
If you are referring to commitments to help poor nations mitigate and adapt to CC, then even if we were not causing it, even if it were caused by nature, we should still be helping those poor people, which would also help to reduce the concomitant local pollution. At least I’d be in favor of it. (Note we don’t have to help China, which is starting to do very well in addressing CC on its own; it’s mainly poor African nations we’d be helping – and they also have some bright young people addressing this, we had some give a presentation at our Univ who won an MIT award for CC solutions.)
If you are referring to “Fee & Dividend” (putting a fee on every ton of coal and barrel of oil that comes out of the ground or into our ports) then divvying it up and giving it monthly to all the Soc Sec card holders in the US (sort of the way Bush gave us tax refunds), then I’m for that, esp since the subsidies for fossil fuels far outstrips such fees.
RE earth scientists, I’ve found some at my past university to be some of the most intransigent when it comes to being skeptical of CC (disclaimer, our univ is heavily funded by oil). For instance, a geologist claimed that water vapor was the main GHG, not CO2 (trying to downplay CO2). I told her that while that was technically true, WV was a feedback and CO2 (and some other GHGs) were forcings. That is, the increasing WV in the atmosphere is due to the increase warming caused CO2+, amplifying the effect of the CO2+, but WV molecules typically reside in the atmosphere only a few days (so it is a feedback), while CO2 can be up there for over 100 years, a portion even up for 100,000 years.
I’ve been in contact with some of the top climate scientists. These guys are not nincompoops or nefarious power-grabbers as some make them out to be. They know what they are doing, that the field is highly competitive, and that whatever mistakes or shortcomings, these are pointed out and correct much faster than in practically any other field.
And Pope Francis also has education is science, and he knows very well of what he speaks. We can no longer use the excuse that our holy fathers (BXVI, JPII) know not what they say.