Then Job answered the LORD and said:Total knowledge of all design flaws, all future suffering of each individual, the fate of each individual. Why would a loving God create an individual only to have it be born with a terminal and hideous illness?
That is the burden of omniscience…if a deity possesses it and takes an active role among its creation, there has to come a great deal of responsibility. Add in all the other omnis ascribed to the Christian God, and it makes for a very difficult defense for much of the suffering we see in this world.
Remove omniscience and direct involvement, and it makes a great deal more logical sense…at least it does to me.
"I know that You can do all things,
And that no purpose of Yours can be hindered.
I have dealt with great things that I do not understand;
Things too wonderful for me, which I cannot know.
I had heard of You by word of mouth,
But now my eye has seen You.
Therefore I disown what I have said,
And repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:1-6).
Job comes to see suffering as God’s instrument of intimacy; not of punishment. His prior experience of God expressed in verse five, “I had heard of You by word of mouth,” is indirect and wanting. In the time of his material prosperity, Job “heard” about God and responded liturgically using the proven formulas of his cult to maintain God’s goodwill. In a simplistic quid pro quo relationship, Job gives to God what is His—sacrifice—and, in return, God gives to Job—prosperity. But God so loves Job that He wishes to reveal Himself in a deeper, profounder way. To achieve this intimacy, God must first penetrate Job and strip away all his distractions, thereby capturing his complete attention.