No, it’s for both reasons.I think this post is misleading. It is not the case that the Priest may not administer Communion to a known homosexual – it is the case that he may not give Communion to any person known to be sexually active out with the Church’s designated marriage situation. It is not about homosexuality at all here. It is about sexual activity instead.
I’ve spoken to priests about this at length and they cannot serve a known homosexual or anyone they know to be a sinner for any reason. So in the case of known gay person they would be declined Communion for A) Having a sinful relationship with someone of the same sex and B) premarital sex since gays cannot possibly be married in the eyes of the Church.
It’s the “chick or the egg” sort of thing since both sins are happening at the same time. Essentially, a straight person having premarital sex is committing one sin while a gay person doing the same is committing two sins.
In either case, if the priest know of the situation he can deny Communion.