Apr 24, '14, 7:49 pm #149
Let us first work to get to concur on what is absolute certainty.
Allow me to start first, with the word absolute, it means not relative, is that all right with you?
In my next post I will suggest to you that certainty has to do with the feature in human information on the existence of an object,
the feature by which we can verify again and again everytime we have doubts about the object existing.
For example, the existence of ice cream is a piece of information which piece of information has this feature by which when we have any doubts about the existence of ice cream, we can just go and get some in the nearest cold grocery, and eat it – there we have certainty, the direct kind of certainty that ice cream exists.
What do you say, will you accept my invitation to analyze what is certainty?
For myself, the word means a (I am repeating myself) feature of human information by which humans can verify the existence of something he has information about,
by experiencing its existence again and again as often as he doubts that the object is existing.
Again, for example, you have the information – that means knowledge, that there is a parking meter outside your house, then you start to doubt it, so you look out the window and assure yourself that yes there is a parking meter outside.
So, what do you say, let us start with certainty as a feature in human information of an object existing,
by which feature we can assure ourselves that it is in fact existing by for example looking at it again, and even touching it again, etc., by applying our external senses to it.
That is certainty of the existence of an object outside our self, which is direct certainty; there is also direct certainty of an object that is within our self, for example, the experience of discomfort in an elbow, some aching for a concrete experience, like what I feel right now with my left elbow as I type this post.
Tell you what, as you can notice that I want to get down to facts of everyday’s life in our discussion, on what is certainty and the kinds of, and the kind that is in regard to God’s existence, shall we first examine more carefully what exactly is the word certain all about?
The way I see it, it is a feature of human information on the existence of something,
by which feature a human can again and again as often as he is in doubt as to the existence of that something, assure himself that it in fact exists, by looking at it again, touching it again, etc., applying to it our external senses.
That is the most fundamental of certainties.