First, before anything else we have to work together to come to concurrence on the meanings of the important words used in the title of the thread.
Here are the words of the title:
I propose for the present that the important words are the following:
So, I will get started with what I know from stock knowledge on the meaning of the word “certain.”
What do I understand by the word
But right away I realize that I must first define what I mean by the word “we” because it is we who are certain, that it is we who are concerned with certainty; I mean we know that we can be certain of things: for there are humans who maintain that certainty is not at all possible, for example, there might be posters here who are not even certain that they are present here in this forum.
And that brings in the question, what to do with folks? who are not certain that they are present at all.
Exclude them from the discussion here, because they are not normal humans, and we want to proceed from the departure point that we are normal humans: it’s like in respect of the right and duty to vote in an election of say the president of the country, only normal humans are entitled to vote, abnormal ones are excluded; and if they are violently abnormal, then we put them in safe keeping, in an asylum, first for our own safety, and second for their own safety.
Okay, who and what are we? who are going to discuss how certain are we that God exists.
We are living entities who do know that we have a nose in our face, and we will be at a disadvantage in life if someone should take away our nose.
Or we accidentally lose our nose due to some mishap.
And there are all the other things that make up each one of us that make up the whole entity we call ourselves, which components if we should lose any of them we will be at some disadvantage in life if not in total demise from life, i.e. we will be dead, meaning, no longer living, and must be put away and out of sight in the cemetery.
Okay, so among normal humans we know who and what we are, so let us not waste further time in coming to concurrence on the meaning of we in the title of the thread.
Next to come to concurrence on is the word,
The noun of the verb to exist is existence, and for the present let us all concur by pointing to ourselves, living normal human beings, as an example of entities who have existence, as opposed to anything without existence, meaning ultimately that we are something instead of nothing whatsoever.
To exist means to be something instead of the diametrically opposite of something, which is nothing; if anyone does not know what is something that is totally opposite to nothing, so that he also does not know what is nothing, then I would propose to him to leave this thread at his earliest convenience.
Now, let us concur on the concept of God.
And I propose in regard to the Christian faith, God is first and foremost the creator of the universe.
So, dear folks here, if you don’t have at least the information datum that in the Christian faith, God in concept is first and foremost the creator of the universe, you can also depart from this thread at your earliest convenience.
That leaves finally the word
certain for us all normal existing humans to work together to come to concurrence on what it is to be certain.
I will start with the proposal that to be certain of something existing is for us to experience its presence, its being in physical contact to us, so that if we cannot experience its presence at all, then we cannot be certain of its existence, that is what I call immediate or direct certainty, and I will add, the adjective,
human, like this: direct human certainty.
That is the first kind of certainty that we all must possess, so that if you claim to not have immediate human certainty of say the nose in your face, whereas everyone looking at your face tells you, you have a nose, then you are also addressed the invitation to please depart from this thread, because you are not a normal human and cannot be any possessor of certainty whatsoever of any kind at all, from the first and foremost certainty possible to humans, which is direct human certainty.
Next kind of certainty is what I will call indirect human certainty which is not founded on the immediate human experience of an object present, but from intelligent thinking grounded on logic and facts.
Let us concur to call indirect human certainty, inferential certainly.
So, let us be concise and of course also precise, I propose that we keep to these two terms in regard to certainty, namely:
- Direct certainty – founded on direct experience of an object
- Inferential certainty – founded on intelligent thinking grounded on logic and facts.
What do you guys here say?