Dear readers here, I think we can have a good discussion with atheists who do have an open mind and sincerity to come to the rational explanation of why God creator of the universe exists, and that is a certain conclusion from intelligent thinking grounded on logic and facts.
You see, atheists say that folks who believe in God are not being rational, they ae not using their reason to think intelligently grounding themselves on logic and facts; we have to wherefore reason with them, and bring them to certainty that the existence of God is the rationally sure conclusion, whereas the irrational attitude is with them, with their wrong thinking that God exists is an irrational statement.
Here is my division of human certainty.
- A. Direct certainty founded on immediate experience of a fact
- On the existence of a fact outside the self of a human
- On the existence of a fact inside the self of a human
- (a) That is common for every human, e.g., the fact of a stomach inside a human
- (b) That is in a group of humans or only in one particular human
- Example of a group of humans, consider humans who have photographic memory,
- [ii] Example of one particular human, consider Einstein, author of theory of relativity
- B. Inferential certainty – founded on intelligent thinking grounded on logic and facts
Do you notice the word experience in big font in the very first line above, namely:
A. Direct certainty founded on immediate experience* of a fact.
I cannot emphasize ever too much that experience is the ultimate foundation of our knowledge, so that without it at all, we cannot know anything at all, and we might as well be a non-conscious being although alive and vegetating.
Let us imagine that a baby was born in a comatose condition, and it never comes out of that condition; that means that it cannot at all react to and interact its environment, and therefore there is no way it can experience anything at all: not of the external environment and not of its own internal environment, as for example like folks who are conscious and breathing, they experience breathing all the time.
Existence and life are founded on our continuous experience of all the indicators within ourselves of existing and living, once we don’t experience anything at all thus we do not react and interact at all with our external environment and neither with our internal environment, we are for all purpose of existence and life, dead and non-existing as a human biological entity.
So, by experience we come to human certainty that we exist and live and operate.
At this point atheists and hard-core skeptics will state that we cannot ever be ‘absolutely’ certain that we are really existing and living and consciously acting, etc., etc., etc.
How can we out-talk such folks as to make them come to certainty that they and we exist and live and operate?
Not by talking and talking and talking as they are doing, talking and talking and talking, but by acting with performing testing with them to physically bringing them to their contact with the objective reality of their existence, life, and operation.
Like this (with an atheist or hard-core skeptic):
- We bring his right hand index finger to his nose
- and take out from our pocket a pair of garden pruning shears*
- and proceed to prune his nose off from his face.
That will really if the man is not insane and not unconscious, frighten him to his rational senses.
No, there is no absolute certainty of our existence, and we will not convince anyone by talking and talking and talking, but by testing.
That is what I call direct experiential certainty, it takes care of all atheists and hard core skeptics to either act with certainty that they exist and live and operate, or get to become an extinct race from not reacting and interacting with reality as to preserve and conserve their continuous existence, life, and operation in the midst of all the dangers of nature everywhere and all the time.
No, we cannot and thus do not have absolute certainty, but for all purposes of having a life and enjoying it and doing something with it, we have direct experiential or functional certainty of our existence, life, and operation.
Tomorrow, more on direct human certainty, and eventually we will go into inferential human certainty.
*Garden pruning shears
Here again is the pathetic character of a Jochoa
Jr. into bringing up the ‘Matrix’ movies, and want to engage in endless argumentation about the whole rig-up of reality is all illusion, or the bizarre ‘no free will’ atheists and hard-core skeptics that man has no free will.
See next post for continuation. ]