I apologize for coming across as though I am indicating that you cannot believe or dictate your use of words. On that note, would you please share any personal perception of distinction between causer and creator?In brief:
Your point is that I cannot equate the cause of the universe with the creator of the universe, but you have not really explained what is the difference to you between the cause of the universe and the creator of the universe, except to say that creator of the universe is a living entity, whereas you have the potential to suspect that I am into only causes that are not living entities.
So, I will just tell you that when I use the word cause, it includes anything and everything including living entities that satisfies the criterion of bringing to existence other things.
You see, you want to delimit my concept of cause to non-living entities and then you insist that my cause of the universe is not the creator of the universe, because the creator of the universe is a living entity, etc., etc., etc.
Will you just bring forth my words verbatim to the effect I said explicitly that when I use the word cause I understand it to be only non-living entities.
As for my personal distinction between to cause and to create, here are other words to describe the distinction:
-All creators are causers, but not all causers are creators. All creators are living causers, but not all causers are creators because some causes are non-living, and non-living causes cannot create.
-Causers can be creators or destroyers, in that one can bring about creation or one can bring about destruction.