Welcome to this thread, please read post 1 and post 101, for a proper orientation to the thread. Thanks. * See below for the reproduction of posts 1 and 101. ]*
Now, let us all go into the four definitions from posters here.
I think I should take on a new tack.
Let each author explain his definition.
Here, I will start.
The purpose of a definition of a word or a concept which is represented by a word is to enable a human who is literate to proceed from the definition of the word/concept to identify the object, event, situation, etc. existing in the factual reality of the universe outside his mind, corresponding to the word/concept in his mind.
So, the definition of the words, certain, certainty, must enable the literate human to go forth in the universe outside his mind to know or to point out, from the definition, to himself and to others what objects, events, situations, etc. are certain or are endowed with certainty.
Now we humans go to the question, who or what is certain or endowed with certainty, that is part of the definition of a word/concept: to be able to answer who or what is certain or endowed with certainty.
The who is man or man’s mind, and the what is about something outside a man’s mind to be existing.
Read my definition of certain:
#178 from KingCoil
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
What is man or we humans certain about or have certainty about? In my definition I say that man or we humans are certain about a piece of information, like for example the information that there is a nose in the face of man.
And why are we certain? Because we have had the experience all the time that we touch a nose in our face, we see a nose in our face, we can point to the nose in our face to folks who don’t know the meaning of the word nose in English.
At this point, I will just jump to the idea that the foundation of certainty in man is his experience; if you have never experienced the nose in your face, because you owing to a freak accident when you were born you lost your nose, but as you live with fellow humans, you can and do experience with your sight and touch the nose in the face of everyone else.
So, you have two pieces of information that are certain for you, namely, * I don’t have a nose, but [ii] everyone else has a nose.
Now, some smart guy asks you how can you be certain that you have no nose and everyone else has a nose, or prove to me that you have no nose and others everyone has a nose?
You tell the smart guy, Try to pinch my nose if you can, but I can pinch your nose, and if you don’t believe me that I can pinch your nose, then I will get a sledge hammer and hit your nose with it.
Now, read again my definition of certain (and certainty) the word and the concept,
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2 argument for God
Now, let us all go into the four definitions from posters here.
#178 from KingCoil
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
#186 from Ypopp
The level of certainty of the existence of something depends on probability of the existence of a possible alternative. The lower the probability of the possible alternative, the higher the level of certainty. Absolute certainty means that the something to which it refers has no alternative, 2+2=4 for example.
#208 from Sapien
A state of having a feeling of confidence for an idea/proposition or feeling of trustworthiness for an object or person.
#214 from Jochoa
a firm belief directly proportional to the perceived alignment of the reasonable analysis of one's environment and an object in question.
Let each author explain his definition.
Here, I will start.
#178 from KingCoil
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
So, the definition of the words, certain, certainty, must enable the literate human to go forth in the universe outside his mind to know or to point out, from the definition, to himself and to others what objects, events, situations, etc. are certain or are endowed with certainty.
Now we humans go to the question, who or what is certain or endowed with certainty, that is part of the definition of a word/concept: to be able to answer who or what is certain or endowed with certainty.
The who is man or man’s mind, and the what is about something outside a man’s mind to be existing.
Read my definition of certain:
#178 from KingCoil
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
What is man or we humans certain about or have certainty about? In my definition I say that man or we humans are certain about a piece of information, like for example the information that there is a nose in the face of man.
And why are we certain? Because we have had the experience all the time that we touch a nose in our face, we see a nose in our face, we can point to the nose in our face to folks who don’t know the meaning of the word nose in English.
At this point, I will just jump to the idea that the foundation of certainty in man is his experience; if you have never experienced the nose in your face, because you owing to a freak accident when you were born you lost your nose, but as you live with fellow humans, you can and do experience with your sight and touch the nose in the face of everyone else.
So, you have two pieces of information that are certain for you, namely, * I don’t have a nose, but [ii] everyone else has a nose.
Now, some smart guy asks you how can you be certain that you have no nose and everyone else has a nose, or prove to me that you have no nose and others everyone has a nose?
You tell the smart guy, Try to pinch my nose if you can, but I can pinch your nose, and if you don’t believe me that I can pinch your nose, then I will get a sledge hammer and hit your nose with it.
Now, read again my definition of certain (and certainty) the word and the concept,
#178 from KingCoil
Certain means that a piece of information like there is a nose in our face can be verified again and again if we doubt it, by applying our senses like sight to experience its presence.
Part 1

Part 2

Apr 19, '14, 3:41 pm #101
Well. let’s go back to the topic of this thread.
Here are the snapshots of my division of human certainty and my argument for the inferential certainty of God’s existence.
Part 1 division of human certainty

Part 2 argument for God