The Prime Mover both creates the fundamental principle of potency and actualizes it in created things.
How can the Prime Mover “
create” the fundamental principle of potency?
If potency is simply the potential for something to exist, then things either have the potential to exist, or they don’t. They’re either possible, or they’re not.
If prime matter is a created thing, then it must be something which has had its potential to exist, actualized. In fact anything which hasn’t always existed, must have first had the potential to exist.
It would seem therefore that it’s the very nature of the Prime Mover itself which dictates whether something does or doesn’t have the potential to exist. And potency, rather than being a created thing, must be something intrinsic to the Prime Mover itself.
So it would seem to be an inescapable principle that where there’s a Prime Mover there will always be potency. And it must also be true that potency can never be greater than what it is with the Prime Mover.
The only way around this that I can see, is to redefine the term “
potency” to mean something other than “
that which has the potential to exist.”
Is that what you wish to do?