Realize that you are parroting what you have picked up about a topic you haven’t actually studied. LeMaitre calculated, from the field equations in general relativity, that the universe was expanding. Based on this solution he then reversed the expansion and concluded that there must have been a creation like moment at a point in time. But there is nothing, and I repeat nothing, in general relativity or LeMaitres solution that deals with any creation of time and space. Just do the math yourself and you will see.Michaelangelo:
Realize that modern astronomy is founded upon the concept of the Big Bang, which explains that Time and Matter came into existence together. Phycisist Georges Lemaitres used mathematics and physics to show that the universe not only had a beginning, but that it was also expanding. At the time, instead of being open to the theory, atheists called it foolish and widely speculative; ironically it was an atheist scientist who mockingly coined the phrase “the big bang” to dismiss Lemaitre’s theory. But it wasn’t long after that astronomer Edwin Hubble confirmed Lemaitre’s theory with actual observable evidence that the universe was indeed expanding. Today, Lemaitre’s “Big Bang” Theory is the foundation of modern astronomy, and Edwin Hubble has a telescope in space named after him.the big bang theory does not say anything about anything coming into existence, neither time or space. Individual scientists do speculate about what happened before the rapid expansion, called the big bang, we still experience. But we have no experimental data supporting these speculations.
And why the “At the time, instead of being open to the theory, atheists called it foolish and widely speculative”? Do you think theists in general understood the hypothesis and gave it standing ovations?
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