How could the universe and life come into existence without God? How could life evolve without God?

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Prayer for Freddy (and rossum) (and other skeptics/doubters):

Grant that every heart and every tongue may render You praise and thanks now and forever!
Prayer for Freddy (and rossum) (and other skeptics/doubters):

Grant that every heart and every tongue may render You praise and thanks now and forever!
May all living beings attain peace.

May all living beings attain happiness.

May all living beings attain nirvana.
By cyclic universe, are you referring to a multiverse or to infinite regress?
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An Extraordinary New View of the Universe …
Extraordinary as in a non-scientific view of the universe. Look for it in the “Fiction” section of your library. Rossum’s Rule applies.
As a philosopher, I think that there are good scientific and philosophical arguments to believe that God exists and is uncreated. Consider, for example, yourself. You could have not existed…therefore, you are a contingent being, along with the universe and everybody in it. Only a necessary being can bring contingent beings into existence. Anything that begins to exist has a cause…but God never began to exist! “In the beginning…” God was. God existed before time, space, and matter were created.
Good philosophical arguments, perhaps. I would argue the reason being that philosophical claims does not need to stand up against empirical data. Instead entirely imaginary scenarios can be devised and sold when backed up by good rhetoric skills.
Good scientific arguments for your claim is something I can’t agree on.
“In the beginning…” God was. God existed before time, space, and matter were created.
A word construct having no support in science.
With the modern scientific knowledge we know now, atheists cannot stop at denying that a transcendent, spaceless, timeless, changeless, immaterial personal being exists. They have to demonstrate that it is impossible for such a being to exist. And, that is impossible.
I would argue that the burden lies primarily on those who makes the claim that a “transcendent, spaceless, timeless, changeless, immaterial personal being exists” and not on those who say “Really? Kindly present the data supporting your thesis.” Because you claim very specific properties for this being. Which makes me ask for the data that your claim is founded on. How can then the burden lie on me?
As regards the cyclic universe, then all I can say is that it is a serious proposal and does not require a begining. Making comparisons with a circle on a paper doesn’t work.
Just for arguments sake; suppose the cyclical universe was comprised of helium and hydrogen. It would have to mean that either helium and hydrogen had no beginning, or they did not come from anything.

Both these options seem to defy logic and reason, it’s like the magician plucking rabbits out of the hat. It’s like the circle always existed on the paper, there was never a time that circle did not exist.
Are you aware that what we call hydrogen and helium are composite enteties only existing under very specific conditions? Outside those conditions they no longer exist and we have plenty of examples of such conditions in this universe. The currently most accepted model for the evolution of the universe have conditions where hydrogen and helium can’t exist, yet they exist in this model. What makes you think a cyclic model would not have conditions where hydrogen and helium couldn’t exist as well as could exist?
Interesting points. However, there is more proof for a hard beginning to the universe than not. We know now that the universe began to exist about 13.8 billion years ago. That’s science.
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Interesting points. However, there is more proof for a hard beginning to the universe than not. We know now that the universe began to exist about 13.8 billion years ago. That’s science.
Thank you! However when it comes to descriptions of the currently most accepted model for the evolution of the universe one must look beyond popular science, which sadly does a very poor job, and instead turn to more academically credible sources. The current model does not say anything about a beginning for the universe. When someone says so they either haven’t undestood the model or add their own conclusions outside what the model actually describe.
And that’s a wrap on question #1.
Hardly. It may have happened by natural causes, but we (currently) lack the evidence. We also (currently) lack evidence that it happened by supernatural causes. That puts natural and supernatural causes on an equal footing: both currently lack evidence.
The only problem is that Penrose’s thoughts have no evidence behind them.
It may have happened by natural causes, but we (currently) lack the evidence. We also (currently) lack evidence that it happened by supernatural causes. That puts natural and supernatural causes on an equal footing: both currently lack evidence.
And a unicorn may also appear in my backyard.

I think what the OP is looking for is the science, if any, for origins of matter and life applying Rossum’s Rule to any proffered hypotheses. The rule nicely separates the science from mere speculation.

The appeal by some to the absence of evidence for the supernatural as strengthening their lack of evidence for the natural is, of course, just illogical.
Thank you for confirming that the hypothesis that a deity created the material universe is “mere speculation”.
Nice try. But, we’re in the realm of science in this thread, not faith. Faith doesn’t need hypotheses or speculations or evidence to support its truths. Scientists do.
But, we’re in the realm of science in this thread, not faith.
Erm… Just have a look at the thread title please. The thread covers both areas: faith and science.
Faith doesn’t need hypotheses or speculations or evidence to support its truths.
Thank you again for confirming that complete lack of evidence for the creation of the material universe by any deity.

I find faith alone insufficient, because there are too many competing faiths out there. Was Mohammed the Prophet of Allah? Many people have faith that he was. Do you not accept their faith as truth?
Erm… Just have a look at the thread title please. The thread covers both areas: faith and science.
Did you miss the part that reads, “… without God”?
Thank you again for confirming that complete lack of evidence for the creation of the material universe by any deity.
? If one has evidence then what need is there for faith? Now, if one has no evidence then one also has no science.
I find faith alone insufficient, because there are too many competing faiths out there.
Faiths do not compete. How would such a faith competition be judged? On the absence of any supporting evidence? No. On contradictory evidence? Possibly. But that’s another thread.
Have you ever heard of the Borde, Guthe, and Vilenkin theory?
I’m vaguely aware of it yes, but I can’t for my life describe it from memory. I have enough problem as it is to keep up with the whacky aspects of the current model. 😅
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