How could the universe and life come into existence without God? How could life evolve without God?

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I do believe that Stephen Hawking explained it succinctly enough…a quantum fluctuation. His theory may not be the end all and be all of the argument, but it does go a very long way to explaining how the universe arose from natural causes.
Contingency matters. If the universe arose from fluctuations of quantum “static”, how did the quantum static get there?

I see also this new article:

and this older one…

If cosmic inflation happened, does this mean that the expansion happened at speeds greater than the speed of light? If so, does this mean that the universe could be younger than it appears on the basis of distant starlight?
If cosmic inflation happened, does this mean that the expansion happened at speeds greater than the speed of light? If so, does this mean that the universe could be younger than it appears on the basis of distant starlight?
Space outside the observable uninverse is expanding faster than the speed of light. That’s why it’s not observable. How old do you think it is?
But the problem starts from abiogenesis when none of these eye forms existed.
Which is how we can tell that eyes evolved. Eyes were not present initially but have evolved since the appearance of the first life. The evidence present in existing species shows that eyes evolved over time with different parts of the optical system evolving at different times.

The problem with abiogenesis is that science has a partial answer while theology merely assumes life is eternally present with no explanation provided. Science has naturally produced amino acids. Theology has no miraculously produced amino acids.
Contingency matters. If the universe arose from fluctuations of quantum “static”, how did the quantum static get there?
It has always been there. It’s what metaphysicists call Prime Matter.
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Space outside the observable uninverse is expanding faster than the speed of light. That’s why it’s not observable.
? Tautology. That which is not observable is, well, not observable.

Unicorns travel faster than the speed of light. That’s why they are not observable.
It’s what metaphysicists call Prime Matter.
What is Prime Matter? Matter cannot exist without space. Matter cannot transform without time. Transforming matter requires energy. Space, time, matter and energy are inexorably bound. One logically gets all 4 or none.
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What is Prime Matter?
If you don’t like the concept of Prime Matter, don’t blame me, blame Aristotle, and Aquinas, et al. Prime Matter is formless matter, thus it’s simple, incorruptible, and eternal.
The evidence present in existing species shows that eyes evolved over time with different parts of the optical system evolving at different times.
The strongest scientific statement is the evidence suggests that eyes could have evolved … Déjà vu all over again.
The problem with abiogenesis is that science has a partial answer while theology merely assumes life is eternally present with no explanation provided.
Although many posters wish to make this thread a faith vs. science argument, it is rather a challenge to science to show us the money. Using your own rule, show us the actual evidence, the actual observation that elevates your claim to science from mere fantasy.
If you don’t like the concept of Prime Matter, don’t blame me, blame Aristotle, and Aquinas, et al. Prime Matter is formless matter, thus it’s simple, incorruptible, and eternal.
For Aristotle and Aquinas, prime matter has no existence on its own. It has no actuality itself, it exists only by the existence of the composite:
“The natural and the artificial are both sorts of things that come to be. The artificial, as such, comes to be from some natural thing; but from what does a natural thing, as such, come to be? If we say ‘from something natural’ we haven’t yet explained how it came to be qua natural. This is why philosophers were forced to posit something from which substance and a natural thing came to be, yet which has no nature or substantiality of its own. Said another way, prime matter is necessary because nature is the sort of thing that arises and comes to be on its own…
If one defines prime matter as ‘that from which substances come to be’ then it is evident that prime matter exists- things cannot come to be from nothing at all, at least not naturally. Again, there should be no dispute about whether matter is potential- a thing only becomes something because it is able to. The only question then is whether prime matter has any actuality or not- but if it does, what comes to be would have to be an accident, because it would be existing in another.”
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Space outside the observable uninverse is expanding faster than the speed of light. That’s why it’s not observable. How old do you think it is?
According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time is relative. Time is relative to variables like velocity. So, it depends.
If you don’t like the concept of Prime Matter, don’t blame me, blame Aristotle, and Aquinas, et al. Prime Matter is formless matter, thus it’s simple, incorruptible, and eternal.
Prime Matter and physical matter are different.
Prime matter is not the same thing as physical matter (the kind we usually think of as composed of atoms). Instead, prime matter should be thought of in terms of potency and actuality. Prime matter is nothing more than pure potency. It is the substantial underlying reality of all things, and as such, has the potential to become anything. Prime matter (since it is substantial) has no physical appearance, quality or quantity. Prime matter cannot even be thought of separate from form. Form is what allows prime matter to become substance . For instance, all of the elements on the Periodic Table (such as iron, gold, silver, mercury, etc.) can be thought of as comprised of prime matter. The thing that differentiates the elements from each other is their form . Silver and gold are composed of the same prime matter but have different form. Form and prime matter constitute the substance of any object, and the substance of that object is inhered with accidents that give the substance a physical character.

Source: Introduction to Scholastic Philosophy
Prime matter is simple, incorruptible, and eternal because Almighty God is simple, incorruptible, and eternal. Nothing is impossible for Almighty God except perhaps to cease his own essence. Therefore, the potential to create (and un-create) has always been there with Almighty God. We call that potential: Prime matter. Prime matter is a philosophical term and metaphysical term but it does not of the same essence as physical matter.
It appears we have a citation to an act of faith. The Becker abstract begins, “The origin of life is believed …” Doesn’t pass the Rossum Rule.

And, Powner not much better, “The starting materials for the synthesis […] are plausible prebiotic feedstock molecules …”

A plausible peanut butter and jelly sandwich also starts with minerals, water and radiation. So ,we’re still looking for an actual observation.
Now, you can show us evidence of theologically created purines and pyrimidines.
Revealed truth appeals to revelation not physical evidence and is not encumbered by Rossum’s Rule. You, however, are.
Space outside the observable uninverse is expanding faster than the speed of light. That’s why it’s not observable.
? Tautology. That which is not observable is, well, not observable.
It’s why they are unobservable that needed the explanation. And unlike your warp drive unicorns, that which is beyond the observable universe is not travelling faster than the speed of light.
Space outside the observable uninverse is expanding faster than the speed of light. That’s why it’s not observable. How old do you think it is?
According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time is relative.
I assumed that you would have given an answer relative to us. A rough idea would be fine. I like to know the level of acceptance of basic scientific principles people have when they discuss anything in this particular thread. It saves me a lot of time downstream.
Besides the fact that a cyclic universe can be disproven both scientifically and philosophically.
Besides the fact that a cyclic universe can be disproven both scientifically…
Don’t stand on ceremony, MJ. Out with it!

Edit: Reading that again, I’m not sure if you mean it could be disproved at some point (no problem there) or it can actually be disproved right now (and I’d definitely be keen to see that).
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I assumed that you would have given an answer relative to us. A rough idea would be fine. I like to know the level of acceptance of basic scientific principles people have when they discuss anything in this particular thread. It saves me a lot of time downstream.
I prefer not to be categorized, labelled, pigeon-holed, etc. as in YEC or non-YEC or otherwise. I’m open to long periods of development and traditional geologic aging periods but I’m also sympathetic to concepts like a literal Adam and Eve and a literal Noah. I think that the geologic layers show evidence in places of rapid sedimentary deposition. I’m influenced in favor of conventional evolutionary chronologies because Saint Pope John Paul II the Great seemed to affirm that view. I look for the ways that science and the Bible can be reconciled. I’m a bit suspicious of radiometic dating because I think it’s inaccurate and inconsistent and assumes a clean sample with zero isotopes at the beginning. I acknowledge that the geologic layers are stratified with distinctive “index fossils” in the various layers. But, yes, I’m unique and prefer not to be “pigeon-holed” with a label.
For Aristotle and Aquinas, prime matter has no existence on its own. It has no actuality itself, it exists only by the existence of the composite:
I wholeheartedly agree. And yet according to metaphysics, prime matter must exist, as you yourself quoted:
If one defines prime matter as ‘that from which substances come to be’ then it is evident that prime matter exists- things cannot come to be from nothing at all
So there must exist something from which physical things come to exist, but which is itself, not physical.

Hawking envisions it as being quantum in nature, but it’s eerily similar to what metaphysicists call, prime matter. What Hawking is arguing, is that reality is caused by a fluctuation in the quantum equivalent of prime matter…pure potency.
It has no actuality itself, it exists only by the existence of the composite:
The same can be said of Hawking’s quantum source…it exists only in combination with physical reality, because the very concept of existing before the existence of physical reality…and its accompanying time…is meaningless. Therefore it can only exist in conjunction with the very things of which it is the source.

Hawking’s quantum fluctuation is both the source of, and an inextricable part of, physical reality. And yet it isn’t physical.
Prime Matter and physical matter are different.
Absolutely…no question. Hawking attributes the existence of physical reality to a fluctuation in the quantum equivalent of prime matter, not to a fluctuation in some pre-existing matter.
Prime matter is simple, incorruptible, and eternal
So we agree. The question then becomes, what need is there of God if a mere fluctuation in prime matter is all that’s required to create everything else?
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I assumed that you would have given an answer relative to us. A rough idea would be fine. I like to know the level of acceptance of basic scientific principles people have when they discuss anything in this particular thread. It saves me a lot of time downstream.
I prefer not to be categorized, labelled, pigeon-holed, etc. as in YEC or non-YEC or otherwise. I’m open to long periods of development and traditional geologic aging periods but I’m also sympathetic to concepts like a literal Adam and Eve and a literal Noah. I think that the geologic layers show evidence in places of rapid sedimentary deposition. I’m influenced in favor of conventional evolutionary chronologies because Saint Pope John Paul II the Great seemed to affirm that view. I look for the ways that science and the Bible can be reconciled. I’m a bit suspicious of radiometic dating because I think it’s inaccurate and inconsistent and assumes a clean sample with zero isotopes at the beginning. I acknowledge that the geologic layers are stratified with distinctive “index fossils” in the various layers. But, yes, I’m unique and prefer not to be “pigeon-holed” with a label.
F: ‘Do you accept basic scientific principles?’
S: ‘I prefer not to be pigeon-holed’.

Thanks for your time.
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Revealed truth appeals to revelation not physical evidence and is not encumbered by Rossum’s Rule . You, however, are.
How erm… convenient. Yes, that’s the word: convenient. You expect evidence from the science side, but you deny the necessity of evidence from your side. Definitely ‘convenient’ for you.

Science has purines, pyrimidines and a lot more. Theology has… «crickets» … and a denial that evidence is required.

Not a good look, especially when you are arguing with science. Have you heard of an Italian guy called Galileo?
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