An atheist could likewise ask “where is the science to show how the universe and life came into existence WITH God”.
In order for something to be created it must exist in time. God is
outside of time as He is Eternal (no beginning). Science tells us that Time and Matter came into existence with the Big Bang, thus the Cause of Time is outside of time (Eternal) and the Cause of matter is outside of matter (Spiritual). And the fact that the universe is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is proof that the Cause of the universe is an
Eternal Rational Source which we call GOD.
Being that we are rational beings, that Source is our Father. Fatherhood is the principle of generation, thus we owe our origin To God, the Eternal Rational Being, who revealed Himself to Man in order for Man to know, love and serve Him. Since God is Truth, Love, Beauty and Goodness itself, we were made for God. Thus Jesus teaches us that we must love God with all of our heart, with all of our mind, with all of our strength, and with all of our soul; and we must also love our neighbor as we love ourself, being that we are all made in the image and likeness of God.
Human beings are made for Truth, Goodness and Love (GOD). Thus when we consciously act against Truth, Goodness and love, we commit sin, an offense against God; sin is the misuse of the intellect and the will.
Atheism is not a rational conclusion, it is a psychological state of mind.