This is what gets me…someone claiming that humans are rational beings…immediately after making a statement that’s irrational. The word “ proof ” really doesn’t belong in that first statement, because at best the comprehensible nature of reality can only hint at the nature of its source.
First everyone must realize that no evidence or proof will ever be enough for someone who doesn’t want to believe. Thus discussing theology with an atheist is like discussing algebra and calculus with someone who doesn’t want to believe in logic. It’s not that the logic is not there, is that a psychological complex seems to always get in the way.
Again, the fact that the cosmos is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is proof that the Cause of the universe is a Rational Source. Thus evidence of God permeates everything. The real issue is that for some, the word “God” triggers a psychological complex known as atheism. I suggest that for now, you replace the word “God” with “Rational Source”, in order for a dialogue to move forward.
The existence of a “Rational Source” is arrived through logical deduction—much like mathematical equations demonstrate abstract truths through sheer reasoning. Not only are there logical proofs for the existence of the Rational Source, there is intellectual proof for the logical necessity of an Eternal Rational Source in order for you and I and the universe to have existence itself. Modern science holds that Time and Matter came into existence with the Big Bang. Thus the Cause is outside of time and matter, in other words the Cause is Eternal and Immaterial.
It is impossible for Harmony to be accidental. Thus the fact that the universe is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is incontrovertible evidence that the Cause of existence itself has to be a Rational Source. Since there is a Rational Source behind Harmony, the logic and harmony that we study in nature and in all the systems that make up the universe —from the macroscopic to the microscopic, right down to the logical code within our own DNA, tell us something about the Rational Source behind our existence. The fact that we can intellectually grasp the rational universe through logical deduction to comprehend the laws that govern the cosmos, is proof #1 that The Source of Existence itself is Logical, Rational and greater than us.
Greek philosophers referred to this order and rationality and harmony in the cosmos as the “Logos”. It is where we get the word “logic” from, Thus the gospel of John in the Bible begins with the statement: “In the beginning was The Logos, and The Logos was with God, and The Logos was God”. In English, “Logos” is translated as “Word”.