I see, I was worried you were going to close it down totally, haha! Thanks!
This is a good example. The comprehensibility of the universe is not logical proof that it was created by a person. Nor is mathematics a proof of the creation of the universe by a person.The fact that you can decipher the logical code we call the English Language, is proof enough that you are not talking to your computer screen, but to a somebody (me). Likewise, the fact that man can comprehend the universe via the logical language of mathematics is proof in itself of the origin of the universe.
My point is simple. There are many layers to reality, mathematics happens to be just one of them.e things. Th
The specific is less important than the ability of humans to explain away unfortunate events.No, let me explain again. This is pure nonsense here, you can’t compare the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (the First Temple) to Thor’s little stump. They are totally different and were destroyed for very different reasons, and to prove different points.
“Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”I explained above why traditional Judaism never viewed the flood as global. The 6 day creation is also a metaphor. Jews have never took it literally, not once in our history. And G-d doesn’t command genocide, you, out of all people should know this, but you haven’t read Tanakh! Opps! No wonder. Those who don’t read, don’t know. Joshua gave the people many options:
A similar offer made in Germany circa 1930s
- Convert to Judaism and stay,
- Leave the land peacefully
And lastly, 3) Fight for your evil ways.
God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Granted, he withdrew the command at the last moment, but it is noteworthy that Abraham did not think that command was out of God’s character. And certainly it is a strange logic to say “these people kill their children, and are therefore evil, let us go and kill them and their children”.They were evil, lest you consider child sacrifice to be good?
I think you misunderstood the point, which was about commandments in Leviticus to execute women who are found not to be virgins on their wedding night.As far as Moshe Rabbeinu commanding Jews to marry virgins, totally false. Stupidly false. That accusation is retarded. I’ve gone over it before, it’s really dumb. As if Moshe would allow them, who were just punished by G-d for sleeping around with non-Jewish women, to now molest more of them???
It seems the opposite may be the case.See? These biblical critics just never opened a page, that’s why they don’t know anything!
This is the fundamental problem with this and every logical argument for the existence of God. There is a gigantic jump in logic here. This is called a “god of the gaps” argument and it is a logical fallacy. You can’t just say “I don’t know why X, happens, therefore it must be God”.Let me ask you this: what’s consciousness? Seriously? Where do we get it from? How? Is it neurons buzzing around in your head? No, that’s just a myth, and many neuroscientists, those who are honest at least, admit it. So what’s really in your brain? Four things, Iet me list them for you…
And somehow that produces love? Really? Love is an experience, it can’t be programmed into a machine.
- Fat
- Water
- Protein
- Electricity
So its obvious there is a G-d, because where did this thing, consciousness, come from?