Mosquitoes seem to dislike me. My wife and I will be outside and she will get eaten alive. I will not get a single bite.
And some people just plain don’t react (the welt is an allergic reaction).
My next brother has
never reacted. We’ve even seen them land and do their business, and still no.
And neither he nor I
ever came down with poison oak, in spite of massive amoutns of time in the western mountains growing up.
For that matter, my grandmother found as a girl that she could
handle poison oak without consequences.
Well, until that time that she, to use here words, “was smarting off”, and
chewed on it in front of her friends. And using her words again, “I got exactly what I deserved.”

And I won’t mention who it was that I know that went to a friends goofy neo-pagan “skyclad” event, joined their (un)dress code, and got another exactly what was deserved . . .
(and now I recall that LA law episode where city girl went camping with her guy, and used a convenient leaf for toilet paper . . .)