Grace & Peace!
Re: “objectively disordered,” it does indeed refer to a specific object that, in the context of the catechism, has been described as “intrinsically disordered.” Which is to say, the object of the objectively disordered inclination is an intrinsically disordered act. Why insist that it’s an act, not a person a gender or a biological sex that’s the wrong object here? Because it is impossible to characterize a human being as “intrinsically disordered” without doing damage to their basic humanity–in fact, it’s impossible to describe any actually existing thing as intrinsically disordered, if only because the being of anything and everything that is is itself a good that is not susceptible to disorder. Actions, however, are a different story entirely.
This is why the discussion of homosexuality in the catechism focuses exclusively on acts, not the appropriateness or inappropriateness of being attracted to a male or a female given one’s own maleness or femaleness.
Furthermore, there’s no such thing as an attraction without an object. I.e., there is no such thing as “sexual attraction in itself” absent an object of attraction. So, according to the catechism, the wrong sort of attraction, the objectively disordered sort of attraction, does not occur when a woman looks at another woman and says, “I’m really attracted to her!” The wrong sort of attraction occurs when a woman looks at another woman and says, “I’m really attracted to having sex with her!” The difference is subtle, but important. We often believe that the the former is shorthand for the latter and often, in popular / colloquial discourse, that can be the case. But they’re not, in fact, the same, and (whether one is heterosexual or homosexual) knowing the difference is important to actually learning to deal in a healthy way with our desires and attractions, which is just another way of saying: learning how to healthily practice the virtue of chastity.
That’s what the catechism appears to be saying, at any rate.
Under the Mercy,
All is Grace and Mercy! Deo Gratias!