If you are sure this guy is the one for you, and that you will be able to put up with his family for the amount of time he would like you to spend with them (which, if he enters RCIA and converts, might be not much because they will hassle him too), then see if there’s something you can talk about with his family other than religion.
I would not bother trying to educate them about your religion. If they have Catholic extended family they probably have access to this information and have just chosen to block their ears.
Definitely consider whether you could stand having these people in your life for decades. I’ll be honest with you, I probably couldn’t myself and would have broken up with the guy. You may be able to handle it though.
I would not bother trying to educate them about your religion. If they have Catholic extended family they probably have access to this information and have just chosen to block their ears.
Definitely consider whether you could stand having these people in your life for decades. I’ll be honest with you, I probably couldn’t myself and would have broken up with the guy. You may be able to handle it though.