twf said:We are certainly saved by grace alone…but not by faith alone. I assume you agree that we must accept Christ through repentance and faith to be saved. If so, then you agree that humans must do something to be saved. Obviously we are not saved because of what we did (faith, repentance, acceptance) but because of Christ’s grace; however, we must co-operate with God and be willing to receive this grace. So far I assume you agree with me. Thus, you already believe that humans must do something to be saved, and as accepting and believing in Chris take effort (of will, mind, even if it is for a moment), it is, in a certain sense, a work. … Socrates: Why is mental effort not a work? Would you not agree that ‘good works’ include worshipping God through prayer and praise? These can often be limited to ‘mental effort’. Mental repentance and believe takes effort, just like working at a soup kitchen takes effort. In the grand scheme of things, why would there be a distinction?
Good question, that!
I think i have to fall back on an example, because i’m too simple minded to articulate my thoughts, here:
Lets say some stranger i meet on a street corner holds out an envelope to me & says, “There’s $100,000.00 in here for you. It’s my own money & i want you to have it. Take it.”
I might ask, “What do i have to do to earn it?”
His reply might be, “Nothing, just take it.”
The way i see it, i have the freedom to accept or reject his offer. If i accept the envelope from him, i’ve really haven’t done anything good to merit it. I’ve simply put my trust in the one who gave it to me.
I think of repentance this way. Once i was lost in my own wickedness, doing things my way regardless of what God thought. Then i came to the realization that what i was doing was wrong, that i could not continue running in the opposite direction of God & call myself a Christian.
Even Jesus himself prayed, “Not my will, but Thy will be done.” So i came to the realization that without making a U-turn in the road of my life, i could not really trust Christ as my own Savior. I had to make a choice: to love my sin, or Him, more.
Now that decision is good, but i’m not so sure it is a good deed. Simply realizing i’ve been living a lie & making a decision that i have to make a change–to me that’s no more a good work than accepting the truth that 2 + 2 = 4. Coming to the realization that God is real & really cares–i also think these were not good deeds on my part but just realizing the truth. Understanding that the Bible has the very words of God because it is the only book in all history that accurately predicts the future 100% of the time–there is nothing good i’ve done by accepting that truth, either.
Like Mother Teresa (i think it was) said, “Once you see truth, you cannot unsee it.” To reject a truth once i know it is true would be an evil deed. But to accept a truth, it seems to me, is not a good deed–it’s just good sense.
I hope that answers your question. If i’m missing something, please try to help me see.