How do protestants explain the time between Christ and the reformation?

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I rarely speculate but for the sake of discussion I will this time.

Hypothetically you, the pope, and I are in the same room. I pose this question to the Pope, "Is the earth billions of years old as science says or 1000’s of years old as scripture says?"
You set this up. So I’m going with what you set up.

I say, Where does Scripture say the earth is 1000’s of years old?
Give me the reference
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I appreciate you wanting proof for everything but I think you’re reaching here. The genealogy is explicitly given from the time of Adam to the time of Jesus. We know Adam was created on the 6th day. We don’t have how long every ancestor of Jesus lived but we have enough information from Adam to Noah to Abraham to put the estimate of close to 6000 years.

6000 years is a far cry from 13 billion.
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I appreciate you wanting proof for everything but I think you’re reaching here. The genealogy is explicitly given from the time of Adam to the time of Jesus. We know Adam was created on the 6th day. We don’t have how long every ancestor of Jesus lived but we have enough information from Adam to Noah to Abraham to put the estimate of close to 6000 years.

6000 years is a far cry from 13 billion.
YOUR question WAS

" Is the earth billions of years old as science says or 1000’s of years old as scripture says?"
You haven’t proven the point of the Earth
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I think you’re being obtuse at this point.

I’m sure you’re quite aware the Old Testament gives the years of lives. If you can add, you will get the math.
  1. Did Jesus tell the 12 apostles they would each receive a throne in Heaven to judge the tribes of Israel?
  2. Do you consider Peter the 1st Pope?
Sorry I meant those questions for HopkinsReb
1). Matthew 19:28
2). Peter was the first Bishop of Rome. The western Church has always referred to the Bishop of Rome as “Pope”.
That’s not the point. The point is they are all given thrones to judge equally correct?
Which of the 12 thrones is higher than the rest?
Christ’s. Of course
Is that one of the 12 thrones?
You may not care but Jesus said all 12 would receive thrones to judge the tribes of Israel.
You may not care but Jesus said all 12 would receive thrones to judge the tribes of Israel.
I’m not denying that. But who cares if one is higher than the others and, if so, which one? What do we care about whether there’s a hierarchy in that respect?
Why would heaven need a hierarchy? Also, how do you know that it isn’t?
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