How do you best identify with Jesus?

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Please chose the title of Jesus Christ that best describes how you feel about Him. Then please share with us the reasons for your choice.

Thanks! šŸ™‚
I chose Other. Specifically the Infant Jesus.

Itā€™s not so much that thatā€™s how*** I ** * best identify with Him. But that I am awed that he loved us enough to humble himself in this way, and be born into the world as a helpless baby, just as we were. :bowdown2:
This may not make sense if you didnā€™t see the Passion of the Christ" but the Jesus I identify with is the one in the scene with his mother where he is working on the table. I was able to see a side of Jesus that I think is foreign to many. I love how he jokes with his mother (and she teases back), how he is affectionate to her in such a boyish, rough, masculine and unabashed way. So human. So divine. Perfect and approachable.
Christ the King.

Partially because I am a monarchist. I like to think of Jesus as my Lord and my King, whoā€™s name I would die for no matter what. I tend to associate Jesus with His relationship with the Father as Master of the Universe, in absolute control of everything.

I am seriously looking forward to the day when I may kneel before His throne in heaven.
I chose Divine Mercy. Whenever my own sinfulness threatens to overwhelm me and drive me to despair, the thought of Christā€™s great love and mercy that wonā€™t willingly abandon us to perdition is a great comfort to me. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever cease to be amazed by the enormity of the sacrifice that He made. To know that I am completely unworthy of mercy and that I will still receive it if I ask is a true gift.
I chose ā€œotherā€ because it depends on what is going on in my life at the time. I would have chosen ā€œall of the aboveā€ if it were an option. Also I often think of Jesus as my best friend. šŸ™‚
I chose Good Shepherd, as that name reminds me of learning about Jesus as a child and drawing pictures of Him and a flock of sheep, ahhhh the memories of schooldays.

I also think of Him as my big brother, as I donā€™t have a big brother.

I too also liked that scene in the Passion of the Christ where he is joking around with His mother. All innocent, all divine, all natural.

Jesus is, was, and always will be a beautiful man.

Love Kellie
I choose Holy Redeemer.

I think redemption is one of the most powerful concepts in religion.
In Eastern Catholicism, we have an icon of Christ the Teacher. He is shown with Scripture in his left hand and his right hand raised in a blessing.
I see Christ as the Teacher, to tell us how humaity how to live. But due to sin, ā€˜he chose to die for us for our sins.ā€™ Which I am sure was not in the original plan.

Go with God!
Jesus is My Lord and my Savior. I both Christ the King and Divine Mercy.
I chose Lamb of God, though Divine Mercy was a close second. Some experiences with the Eucharist made the difference. Almost twenty years ago I was attending a daily Mass at the Newman Center of a major university. During the ā€œbreaking of the breadā€ it occurred to me that Jesus is the Lamb of God on whom we feast at the Eucharist. Nothing new or startling in that, but it sank in for the first time that, unlike the sacrificial lambs of the Old Testament, Jesus is the LIVING sacrifice, and He gave His life give life to our souls. The Lamb we eat is ALIVE!!
Just a few years ago I attended a very small chapel at another university with only four persons in attendance, including the priest. He broke the host into four pieces and we all ate of the same one. I told the priest afterward how that act reminded me of the unity the Eucharist represents for the Church and its members.
About two years ago at yet another daily Mass, this time a well attended one in my parish church, as I knelt in my pew after receiving the Eucharist I had an almost ā€˜out of bodyā€™ experience: it felt as though my body (in spirit form only) grew to fill the church and I became one with everyone in attendance. Again I was reminded of the oneness and unity the Eucharist brings.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I chose the Lamb image because He became the Lamb to save me from my sins. For that I hope to be eternally grateful to Him in Heaven. To think that the Lord and Master of creation did that for the sake of His creatures overwhelms me. I need Him so!!

I like to identify with Jesus in His infiniteness, in all the roles He plays and forms He comes for us. He is my best friend, my Lord, my Savior, my Hero, my Example, the center of my being (I try for this, I do not always succeed), my God, my All, my Shepherd, the Lamb of God, my Martyr, my Teacher, my Anchor, and so on.

I love Jesus and try to love him more ever day and pray for this as well.
I chose Lamb of God, though Divine Mercy was a close second. Some experiences with the Eucharist made the differenceā€¦
All of the choices are so difficult to chose from. MountainMan, your description was beautiful for your ā€œLamb of Godā€ description. For myself I chose Divine Mercy. We are all sinners and are upon His Mercy to allow us to be with Him in heaven. For that I am grateful.

It really is a difficult decision to chose one. They are all so valid. I feel protected by the Good Shepherd, I know the Lamb of God fulfilled His promise in the Eucharist. I adore Christ as King of all of us: Lord and Savior and the respect He deserves from us. He is the Holy Redeemer of us all. Praise God!
I think of Jesus as ā€œLordā€ a lot of times. That title seems to encompass the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the best for me. Jesus is Lord of us all.

Right now Iā€™m really thinking of Jesus as Divine Mercy because Iā€™m currently reading St. Faustinaā€™s Diary. Itā€™s awesome!
I do not know if this post that I have rewritten was lost in cyberspace or it was deleted from the forum. I hope not to offend anybody by this post. If I do, please let me know.

In Eastern Catholicism, we have an icon of Christ the Teacher. He is shown with Scripture in his left hand and his right hand raised in a blessing.
I see Christ as the Teacher, to tell us how humaity how to live

We have this icon in our parish. It is humoungous as it touches the ceiling down to the sanctuary floor. What is amazing is that whoever looks at Jesusā€™ eyes, it seems that he is directly looking at you. Whether you are in the right pews or the left pews or in the choir loft. If you move in the church, the eyes follow you. This is for ANYONE LOOKING DEEPLY INTO HIS EYESā€¦ This just tells me that He is there for everybody at anytime, we only need to search for Him! How great is our God!

Jesus has been many things to me over my lifetime and in different circumstances. But in all humily and reverence, I do consider Him my Lover as only He could be. And I mean the pure, unadulterated love that He for me that I, in turn desire to be a consuming fire, as it were. i fail miserably, but I keep tryingā€¦I love Songs of Songsā€¦:love:

I voted for other because I see Jesus as my joy, the only thing in life that matters and is worth living for. šŸ™‚
Very interesting. Some others brought up ā€œThe Passionā€, which also really changed my relationship with Him. Although everything in the film affected me deeply, I would have to say that the image most personal to me was the flashback scene where He saved Mary Magdalen from stoning. I could see myself in her position, crawling up to Him holding out His hand. Therefore, in terms of a title, I would have to say Savior and Redeemer, and the king of my heart.P.S. I also bought the book of the movie for my mother & she uses it to meditate - I might just follow her lead.
Well for me it just has to be the Lamb of God. I simply love the Lenten season and the whole analogy to the Lamb as quiet and passive accepting all to the slaughter.
Of course being from Ireland we have Knock Shrine. Here the Church approved Apparition of Our Lady in 1879 was accompanied with an Altar on which stood a Lamb and a cross surrounded by countless angels. Only beautiful. It speaks so much of the Mass even though there was not one word spoken during the Apparition. I suppose i am a little biased!
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