How do you best identify with Jesus?

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I chose Divine Mercy because this is what Christ is all about so loving and merciful to us no matter how much or how bad we mess up he’'s always there ready to forgive.
I voted for The Divine Mercy…have mercy on me a sinner. The image of the Divine Mercy has always moved me…it makes me feel washed and cleaned–loved…🙂
Jesus is the Perfect Unblemished Lamb of God that was sent here for the sins of the world. He came as a man for the sole purpose of dying for our sins and he knew when he came what his mission was.

He is my Savior. He is my Friend. Without Him I am empty.

I love him as much as I possibly can and want to love him even more. I want to know him more than I do and I pray that he will show me how.

Many Blessings,
My favorite is Jesus in the Temple.

It His youth He is all knowing, yet innocent
I like the Jesus of the parables.

I’m not a Christian, nor will I ever be again, likely. But I am most comfortable with the image of Jesus and his friends sitting around a fire, or walking from one dusty town to the next while He tells stories.

Very Buddhist.
The image of Jesus that I connect to the most is **“Son of Man”. ** I love the way Jesus refers to Himself this way in the gospels - how it reflects His humane and divine natures, His Love, His earthly mission, and His Mother. For some reason the particular biblical discourses with “Son of Man” are significant to me.

The Passion of the Christ image that remains in my mind is the scene where the Our Lady intercepts Jesus on the via dolarosa - and he says to her, “Behold I make all things new” ------> :crying: (me)
Good thread.

I see him most often as Lord and Messiah.

Other than that I am the most touched by the passage about how he did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped and he humbled himself and took the form of a slave (in phillipians 2 or some such). So I guess Jesus the Incarnate. For me, this is the massive extent of his love for us, to become one of us.

Lastly, Jesus is my Hope.
I had to choose other! Because He is all of the above and more, much much more, I could not isolate Him into one category. My Love, my Life, my Everything. He is what I need when I need it. I think someone already mention this earlier. And He loves me who am nothing compared to Him and For that He deserves my humblest reverence.

"Jesus, my Lord, my god, my all! How can I love Thee as I ought?
Sweet Sacrament! we Thee adore! Oh, make us love Thee more and more"
I chose Divine Mercy. Without said mercy I would be completely lost.
I best identify by all the choices, and one other: Sacred Heart of Jesus. (one of my favorites!!!)😃
I chose other. In my prayer life, I best relate to Jesus as the Divine Healer and Comforter. It’s kind of a mix of a few (Good Shepard, Lamb of God, Divine Mercy, and whatever else He wishes to speak to me by :o )
It is hard to pick one image of Jesus over all the rest, because they are all Him. It is the Devine Mercy of God in the Body of Jesus offered for us however that opens the door of our hearts to Him. He loved us when we were yet sinners and in our recieving of Him and His Holy Spirit we see who He is and in that revelation of Him we find who we are through Him. God Bless
**Voted OTHER.

Relate more to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Includes Lord, God and Redeemer.
Jesus the Passionist
Jesus the Human
Jesus the Lover
Jesus of Divine Mercy

**:love: **
If I am writing or speaking of Jesus, I say The Lord and I guess I think of him as leader and teacher.
In the presence of The Blessed Sacrament I sense sacred, holy, beyond and words often fail.
In my normal day to day out and about he is my best pal but also at times very much The Lord.
I can remember long ago, years, a time when I did not feel quite comfortable with writing or speaking of or about The Lord as to title - even to say or write The Lord . . .don’t know why. It was a bit of a confusing exprience for me, now long passed.
Altho I can recall since my earliest recollections when praying saying ‘Dear Lord’ drawn from I think a Catholic education etc. and the expression then common ‘Our Lord’.

Nowadays it is always ‘Dear Lord’ on a personal praying level or simply ‘Lord’ and if writing or speaking my term is ‘The Lord’.
Dear Friends,

I was wondering if you could help me understand the devotions to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, Blood, Wounds…I have just recently become Catholic and while I find some of these devotions beautiful, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around them.
For example, it strikes me as odd, as I think it does a lot of people, to think of taking up a devotion to the Blood of Jesus, or His Wounds.

Can you give me some insight?

Thanks and God Bless!
Dear Friends,

I was wondering if you could help me understand the devotions to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, Blood, Wounds…I have just recently become Catholic and while I find some of these devotions beautiful, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around them.
For example, it strikes me as odd, as I think it does a lot of people, to think of taking up a devotion to the Blood of Jesus, or His Wounds.

Can you give me some insight?

Thanks and God Bless!
Dear Jade, I can’t give you any insight - all I can say is don’t worry about how you feel. You are not obliged to embrace any of these devotions! As a convert myself (although I came into the Church a long time ago) I too felt I couldn’t embrace devotions to parts of Our Lord’s body!! It just seemed too weird, so I set it aside. It takes time, maybe a long time, to come to terms with many Catholic devotions, but that doesn’t make you any the less Catholic. Think of Catholic devotion as a smorgasbord - go for whatever appeals to you, or not! The main thing is the Mass, and if you can find time for adoration, that will be, or become, a great blessing to you.
It took me a while to have any great devotion to Mary, and I kept very quiet about that! But I sort of grew into it.
As for having devotion to the Sacred Heart - it’s not a devotion to His physical heart, but (as I see it, and please anyone contradict me!) it’s a kind of grateful, corresponding love for the love He showed us, as represented by His heart, broken and pierced (on the Cross) for love of us.
Sadly, some statues and pictures of the Sacred Heart make Him out to look somewhat wimpy, and do not inspire devotion in me, but I don’t let that bother me - it’s about something deeper and more spiritual than that.
Devotion to the wounds of Jesus - well, again, it’s a recognition of what those wounds represent, the love behind the suffering, and a loving and grateful response in return from us.
If you saw the Passion film, it may have given you some idea of what I mean (not that a film HAS to appeal to, or inspire anyone).
Being a Catholic gives you quite a lot of personal freedom as far as devotions go, and none of the above-mentioned are obligatory. The Church is a loving mother who embraces people of all types, at any and every stage of growth in love. Over time, you will find yourself attracted to some devotion or other, perhaps, so just follow the lead of the Holy Spirit - you are a child of God!
Dear Jade, I can’t give you any insight - all I can say is don’t worry about how you feel. You are not obliged to embrace any of these devotions! As a convert myself (although I came into the Church a long time ago) I too felt I couldn’t embrace devotions to parts of Our Lord’s body!! It just seemed too weird, so I set it aside. It takes time, maybe a long time, to come to terms with many Catholic devotions, but that doesn’t make you any the less Catholic. Think of Catholic devotion as a smorgasbord - go for whatever appeals to you, or not! The main thing is the Mass, and if you can find time for adoration, that will be, or become, a great blessing to you.
It took me a while to have any great devotion to Mary, and I kept very quiet about that! But I sort of grew into it.
As for having devotion to the Sacred Heart - it’s not a devotion to His physical heart, but (as I see it, and please anyone contradict me!) it’s a kind of grateful, corresponding love for the love He showed us, as represented by His heart, broken and pierced (on the Cross) for love of us.
Sadly, some statues and pictures of the Sacred Heart make Him out to look somewhat wimpy, and do not inspire devotion in me, but I don’t let that bother me - it’s about something deeper and more spiritual than that.
Devotion to the wounds of Jesus - well, again, it’s a recognition of what those wounds represent, the love behind the suffering, and a loving and grateful response in return from us.
If you saw the Passion film, it may have given you some idea of what I mean (not that a film HAS to appeal to, or inspire anyone).
Being a Catholic gives you quite a lot of personal freedom as far as devotions go, and none of the above-mentioned are obligatory. The Church is a loving mother who embraces people of all types, at any and every stage of growth in love. Over time, you will find yourself attracted to some devotion or other, perhaps, so just follow the lead of the Holy Spirit - you are a child of God!
Good stuff At! The sacred wounds are so important that when Jesus was resurrected, the wounds remained on his physical, glorified body as a sign of our redemption and love for us! Just thought I would say hello!

Christ is risen! truly He is risen!
Bruised Reed:
This may not make sense if you didn’t see the Passion of the Christ" but the Jesus I identify with is the one in the scene with his mother where he is working on the table. I was able to see a side of Jesus that I think is foreign to many. I love how he jokes with his mother (and she teases back), how he is affectionate to her in such a boyish, rough, masculine and unabashed way. So human. So divine. Perfect and approachable.
I loved that scene. Just a mother and son on a normal day. Think of all the years when he was growing up, what he may have been like.

(of course if you’re sola scripture, those years didn’t happen cause they’re not in the Bible - ok I’m just being silly, maybe 😉 )
Dear AT,

Thank you for your response! I needed that! (grin)

God Bless!
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