Raynd, for someone who came here just to ask legitimate questions to increase your own understanding, you sure did get hot under the collar. What’s your problem?
Ooh, ad hominem.You are definitely a crusader… possessing what appears to be a superficial intellect… I guess after I build my time machine, I can prove it to you (chuckle)…if you want to deny the catholic past…that is your prerogative…but the Pope doesn’t issue apologies because it’s a good way to pass the time…it was an admission of guilt.
Oh …and If you look at my original post “brainiac” you will see that I did include protestants…but since this is a CC forum…I will address you specifically.
It was already pointed out there is nothing to reconcile. There is some bad but also alot of good. The Catholic Church single handedly took a varied group of nomadic barbarians with a strong warrior ethos and transformed them into the most powerful culture the world had ever seen.You are making up statements to argue against? Neat…I can do that to. Anyway…I don’t rememeber stating in my original post that anyone was guilty…The question was as to how you reconcile your faith with the history of the church…“brainiac.”
You really haven’t answered the question (because there were no atrocities)…which is laughable.
Who said it was a right? Washington? Jefferson? Why should I care what they say? What authority do they have to make such a pronouncement?You are a pathological right wing reactionary…plain and simple. America isn’t even a democracy “brainiac” it’s at best a Republic…and freedom isn’t a belief system you fool…it’s a the soverign right of all creatures upon this earth.
I wasn’t assuming anything. Im not American either, I’m Canadian. I will assume you choose to live in a free and democratic society but again I ask how do you reconcile that with the fact that free and democratic societies have been responsible for alot of suffering in the world?…talk about fallacy!!! So you assume I support America…you even assume that I indeed am posting from America?..wow! Hey “brainiac”…America is a geographical location okay…If I was born in America then I obviously couldn’t have chosen it…YOU CHOSE CATHOLICISM…and whether or not the country was “actually” founded on freedom is severely debatable. You are just not doing very well…I commend your vocabulary though…to bad that isn’t enough.
I wasn’t aware the Pope had any armies.Obviously you are under the delusion that “just a few bad seeds” were responsible for all of this…wrong. It was wholesale…supported by decrees…and Pope…the Pope himself sent armies to France…It was the churche’s stance…not just a few people…
Hugenots were defending themselves by killing people in Germany? I was talking about the 30 years war, where France, Austria and Sweden all looked to make gains.Oh and incidentally there is an incredible difference between Heugenots defending themselves…or killing certain catholics…versus the church backed idea of SENDING WHOLE ARMIES TO FRANCE…to burn and massacre people…
Well thank you very much for that but it is not I who is close minded. It is apparent that you have bought into the anti religious philosophy hook line and sinker.You are obviously a good wordsmith…but you are also so blinded by your faith, and closeminded that you fall deep into the ignorant mass of sewage that encompasses and soils western religion…you are a true crusader.
I disagree with you. Talking about crimes of the states or of other churches is absolutely necessary to a discussion about the alleged crimes of the Catholic Church. The implication of Raynd’s original post is that religion, and the Catholic Church in particular, is responsible for evil. Yet, those institutions that disavow religion are not immune from creating evil themselves either. This suggests that evil is not so much a properly identifiable aspect of an institution or of a political organization, rather it is a part of human nature. At least the Catholic Church, in Her humility, recognizes this. Fortunately, the Catholic Church provides resources for effectively addressing individual evil. Other institutions do not. So, if someone attacks my Catholic faith by implying that I’m a hypocrite because I belong to an institution that may or may not have been responsible for the deaths of millions, I can assure you I will defend myself against that charge by indicating reasons for my membership within the Church in spite of Her faults.Talking about the crimes of states, or of other Churches, is IMO rather beside the point: the fact is, that the Church makes great claims for herself - so it makes no sense to find the Church shedding gallons and oceans of human blood or committing other atrocities. Other Churches are, by Catholic standards, not as “legit” as she is:so one might almost expect them to do have all sorts of faults, so, those faults can hardly be made grounds of objection to them. I think the evil committed by the CC demands to be treated withiout frivolity, without being trivialised, without being taken lightly - it has had an immense effect on how people judge of the CC, and on whether she appears to do the works of Christ or not. ##
I reconcile this because, regardless of the atrocities of some people throughout the history of the Church, the truth is still taught here. The truth outweighs the evil actions of some men. I’m not trying to belittle or down-play the wrong that many have done in the name of Christ, but that doesn’t change the fact that Christ died for us and established His Church here on earth.Christian atrocities with your faith?..Protestant and Catholic…are you aware of the history of these two denominations?..The very foundation…and bedrock of the church is built on millions upon millions of horrible deaths…how do you reconcile this? I’d like to know.
Ooh, ad hominem.
It was already pointed out there is nothing to reconcile. There is some bad but also alot of good. The Catholic Church single handedly took a varied group of nomadic barbarians with a strong warrior ethos and transformed them into the most powerful culture the world had ever seen.
Who said it was a right? Washington? Jefferson? Why should I care what they say? What authority do they have to make such a pronouncement?
I wasn’t assuming anything. Im not American either, I’m Canadian. I will assume you choose to live in a free and democratic society but again I ask how do you reconcile that with the fact that free and democratic societies have been responsible for alot of suffering in the world?
I wasn’t aware the Pope had any armies.
That the Church acknowledge the right of rulers to maintain the integrety of their countries should come as no surprise. Especially given the time period.
Hugenots were defending themselves by killing people in Germany? I was talking about the 30 years war, where France, Austria and Sweden all looked to make gains.
You sir should read some modern history books and not 200 year old “enlightenment” propaganda. Get up to date.
Well thank you very much for that but it is not I who is close minded. It is apparent that you have bought into the anti religious philosophy hook line and sinker.
There is nothing to reconcile. Your premise is false.Christian atrocities with your faith?..Protestant and Catholic…are you aware of the history of these two denominations?..The very foundation…and bedrock of the church is built on millions upon millions of horrible deaths…how do you reconcile this? I’d like to know.
Please get your historical and biblical facts right before making erroneous conclusions/statements. Jesus Christ is the very “sure foundation” and “rock foundation” and “rejected cornerstone” of our Chrisitian faith. And the Church is built upon the blood of countless martrys (white and red martyrs) over the course of the centuries.Christian atrocities with your faith?..Protestant and Catholic…are you aware of the history of these two denominations**?..The very foundation…and bedrock of the church is built on millions upon millions of horrible deaths**…how do you reconcile this? I’d like to know.
Fiat,Well by the same token, shouldn’t you loath yourself for being an American? (or a citizen of whatever country you belong to?) After all, secular organizations kill, too.
Source: lists.becta.org.uk/pipermail/trav-ed/2001-April/000286.htmlIn 1893 the Norwegian Church Council estimated the number of Roma in Norway
at 4,000. From 1896 a law allowed the state to remove children from their
parents and keep them in state custody until they were 21 years old.
Heh, I am a history major so I think I have at least some idea of what I am talking about.You and I are two people crossing a one way bridge…you refuse to accept any history other than biased - pro-catholic histories such as Crocker, and his book “Triumph” I suppose…so there is no point in our addressing eachother…you CANNOT POSSIBLY know what “history” I have read, and you CANNOT POSSIBLY refute my right to dissent, or the plausibility of it…by such statements like “I didn’t know the Pope had armies”…You feel that you don’t have to reconcile anything…so I have your answer. I’m not anti-religious…I’m anti ignorance…By your logic…it doesn’t take much of a stretch or “leap” to support Nazism…now does it? Sure a lot of people died - but the cause helped millions!..Turned a nation around… etc… etc…it’s laughable…as far as America is concerned…that is really just a weak, weak argument…I’m not even going to get into discussing the difference between an elected god belief vs. the happenstance of a geographical birthplace…I don’t have the time to educate you.
Your premise is false.how do you reconcile this?
Hi Raynd -Thank you for having an open mind in trying to understand my question. There is no point in people “getting defensive” because of my question…It’s an honest question. Theodred has the biggest chip I have ever seen on a shoulder…anyway…whether or not you think there is some “global conspiracy” against the CC…you can believe that there were indeed atrocities…you can believe that millions have died…and you can believe that your modern church is a direct result of all of this. So I just want to know how catholics reconcile this. It was one of the main reasons that I never came to religion (admittedly at a time in my life when I yet didn’t understand the power and happiness of a search for the truth, and also lacking at times the strength to simply say “I don’t know”)…What is it about they way that you think…that allows you to sidestep all of the foundational problems?
As far as comparing a country to a belief system? That doesn’t even beg disussion…
and yes I was talking about the thirty year war.
Thank you for having an open mind in trying to understand my question. There is no point in people “getting defensive” because of my question…It’s an honest question. Theodred has the biggest chip I have ever seen on a shoulder…anyway…whether or not you think there is some “global conspiracy” against the CC…you can believe that there were indeed atrocities…you can believe that millions have died…and you can believe that your modern church is a direct result of all of this. So I just want to know how catholics reconcile this. It was one of the main reasons that I never came to religion (admittedly at a time in my life when I yet didn’t understand the power and happiness of a search for the truth, and also lacking at times the strength to simply say “I don’t know”)…What is it about they way that you think…that allows you to sidestep all of the foundational problems?
As far as comparing a country to a belief system? That doesn’t even beg disussion…
and yes I was talking about the thirty year war.
Not sure if you’re still here, but I’ll take a crack at it. Bear with me and try to avoid reacting defensively. It’s a tough message I have to give you.Christian atrocities with your faith?..Protestant and Catholic…are you aware of the history of these two denominations?..The very foundation…and bedrock of the church is built on millions upon millions of horrible deaths…how do you reconcile this? I’d like to know.
Christian atrocities with your faith?..Protestant and Catholic…are you aware of the history of these two denominations?..The very foundation…and bedrock of the church is built on millions upon millions of horrible deaths…how do you reconcile this? I’d like to know.
The very foundation? The Church, upon being established never had it easy. It met with strident and violent opposition immediately, from Jews as well as from pagans, the first and greatest example of which is the Crucifixion of Jesus our Lord. St. Stephen was condemned to be stoned. St. Paul was beheaded. St. Peter was crucified, supposedly upside down. All the apostles, except St. John paid dearly for their faith with their blood.Christian atrocities with your faith?..Protestant and Catholic…are you aware of the history of these two denominations?..The very foundation…and bedrock of the church is built on millions upon millions of horrible deaths…how do you reconcile this? I’d like to know.
Exactly.Wow, so many fallacies in so short a post. Lets see from what I remember this post could fall into Complex Question, Post Hoc, Non Sequitor, false dilemma, and red herring fallacies.
Let me answer by posing this question, should we throw out democracy since democratic countries have caused wars and killed millions. In fact Democracy and freedom was founded on bloodshed:
French Revolution: 250,000 killed during the Reign of Terror.
**American War of Independence: **108,800 killed
**American Civil War: **373,458 killed
**Vietnam: **5 million killed
**Gulf War: **100,000
**Iraq war: **5000 and counting
How do we reconcile this with our freedoms? We don’t, the arguement is non-sequitor, tendentious and irrelevant.
N.P Bro. Pax vobiscum,Hi Churchmilitant:
You said:
I hope you know I was not trying to be unsupportive of my country with this statement, rather I was commenting on the hypocrisy of people who hold me in disdain as a Catholic because of the actions of others while at the same time seeing nothing wrong with belonging to institutions themselves that behave in the very same ways for which they offer criticism.
Your brother,