How do you spread the Gospel?

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but are you citing the bible just to back up your own comments or are you properly applying the bible . We can all find a paragraph or two from the Bible that supports what we say. I hate such use of the Bible and therefore don’t do it myself…

And it is the historical part of the Gospel. We also learn from the sermons that we hear, how to put the Gospel into context of today in our own specific lives though some do better than others at this and therefore spread the Gospel more effectively. It don’t always have to be about quoting word for word - especially to back up a statement. 😊
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
That word to Timothy was written to a man who was to become a Bishop in the Catholic Church. We (Catholic Tradition/Magisterium) included it in our Bible, and we read it today, so that we can see how our Bishops are instructed, and when we know that our Bishops are required to rightly teach us the Word of Truth, we trust them to keep us in sound teaching (and they have for the two thousand years of the Church).
When you quoted it, I doubt that you were taking it literally, as the exhortation to the man Timothy, but were “interpreting it” to sound like it was talking to you.

John Martin.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
but this is just abusing the Bible to me… apply it yes, but just quoting for the sake so show that you know and quoting to back up an argument. Our priest (anglican)likes to say, our actions/words give us away. He has given me a book to read where that concept has come from and he didn’t give it for that purpose as there is much more in there. But I now know more what he means because the book explains it a bit. The quote you have just provided has an element of judgment in there. Yes study, I never denied that, but it how we use what we know and if you are keen to show that you know, are you really applying the message. Because your actions will also give your words away. You may be saying that but what are you doing? The two together will help spread the Gospel more effectively However one is not ashamed 👍
=CountrySteve;10209454]i know it sounds like a simple question, but how do you preach and spread the Gospel? Cause everytime i try to preach i always come off as too strong, or sometimes even pushy. Also i don’t wanna sound like one of them ‘fire and brimstone’ preachers and i don’t wanna sound like a Jehovah Witness, so how does one preach the Gospel Catholic style? I just feel called to preach Christ to all people.

Know well our beliefs and how to explain them cleary and with charity

Then Live our Fath Publically

Perhaps join a Bible study or

offer to teach or co-teach CCD or RCIA … see Pastor or DRE:thumbsup:
I have a pile of different holy cards in my wallet and when religion comes up after we talk I give one out accordingly

It is great place to write down things like
A parish near there house
A mass time in Spanish
1050 am catholic radio

A book they would like
but this is just abusing the Bible to me… apply it yes, but just quoting for the sake so show that you know and quoting to back up an argument. Our priest (anglican)likes to say, our actions/words give us away. He has given me a book to read where that concept has come from and he didn’t give it for that purpose as there is much more in there. But I now know more what he means because the book explains it a bit. The quote you have just provided has an element of judgment in there. Yes study, I never denied that, but it how we use what we know and if you are keen to show that you know, are you really applying the message. Because your actions will also give your words away. You may be saying that but what are you doing? The two together will help spread the Gospel more effectively However one is not ashamed 👍
Quoting the Bible is “abusing it”? Goodness! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 11:17) As we study the Word of God and rightly divide it we are approved of God. We must understand the Word of God “rightly divided.” We must “test the things that differ” [Phil. 1:10] and we must understand that there is a vast difference between Israel’s hope and calling and the hopse and calling of the Body of Christ. One [Israel] is earthly and the other [The Body of Christ] is heavenly. We must not “Judaize” the Body of Christ. Inre to “spreading the gospel”, can you tell me what is the gospel that we are proclaim in this dispensation o0f the grace of God?
Country: It is wonderful that you feel called to preach the Lord Jesus Christ to all people. My answer on how to preach the gospel is:

1] Be saved yourself, and know it.
2] Study the Word of God and learn to “rightly divide” between Israel and the Body of Christ.
3] Know the gospel of the grace of God that Paul preached - e.g., 1 Cor. 15:1-4; Acts 16:31.
1] You are baptized (or about to be baptized, if you are in RCIA) and being taught; that is being saved:
3] Acts 16 - to be saved, “Believe” what we tell you about the Lord Jesus, and if you believe, we will baptize you, and thus you will be one of us as Jesus’ disciples.
In order to be saved you must believe in the Lord we proclaim, says Paul, and when we baptize you and lay our hands on you, that is your actual entrance into “being saved”, your entrance into citizenship in the Kingdom of God, your birth into the people of God.

2] Rightly dividing does not mean to ignore baptism - it is the entrance to life with Christ, commanded by Jesus.

John Martin
That word to Timothy was written to a man who was to become a Bishop in the Catholic Church. We (Catholic Tradition/Magisterium) included it in our Bible, and we read it today, so that we can see how our Bishops are instructed, and when we know that our Bishops are required to rightly teach us the Word of Truth, we trust them to keep us in sound teaching (and they have for the two thousand years of the Church).
When you quoted it, I doubt that you were taking it literally, as the exhortation to the man Timothy, but were “interpreting it” to sound like it was talking to you.

John Martin.
On the contrary, I do take it literally. The Word of God speaks to me today just as it did to Paul, Timothy, et al in their day.
On the contrary, I do take it literally. The Word of God speaks to me today just as it did to Paul, Timothy, et al in their day.
You are confused - “literally”, this message that I am now writing is addressed only to you, QuickCat, and anyone who reads it literally understands it is to you and understands that they are “eavesdropping on the conversation” as we do when we read Paul’s letters to Timothy.
I, or you, however, may grant verbal permission (tradition) to other people to participate in the words, permission to get meaning for themselves from the words. But that is not the “literal sense” of what I write.

It was Timothy, who shared the letter, to show that he had the backing of Paul, and to use Paul’s wisdom in training other bishops who would follow after him (after Timothy).

The Tradition of Timothy is this: “Look at what Paul wrote to me” (and then you read what Paul wrote to Timothy).

John Martin
You are confused - “literally”, this message that I am now writing is addressed only to you, QuickCat, and anyone who reads it literally understands it is to you and understands that they are “eavesdropping on the conversation” as we do when we read Paul’s letters to Timothy.
I, or you, however, may grant verbal permission (tradition) to other people to participate in the words, permission to get meaning for themselves from the words. But that is not the “literal sense” of what I write.

It was Timothy, who shared the letter, to show that he had the backing of Paul, and to use Paul’s wisdom in training other bishops who would follow after him (after Timothy).

The Tradition of Timothy is this: “Look at what Paul wrote to me” (and then you read what Paul wrote to Timothy).

John Martin
Paul also wrote to Timothy that a Bishop was to be the husband of one wife. He also told Timothy that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONE mediator. Paul also wrote to Timothy that the Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Are you telling me that you and I shouldn’t take this literally? What can we “spiritualize” this to mean?
1] You are baptized (or about to be baptized, if you are in RCIA) and being taught; that is being saved:
3] Acts 16 - to be saved, “Believe” what we tell you about the Lord Jesus, and if you believe, we will baptize you, and thus you will be one of us as Jesus’ disciples.
In order to be saved you must believe in the Lord we proclaim, says Paul, and when we baptize you and lay our hands on you, that is your actual entrance into “being saved”, your entrance into citizenship in the Kingdom of God, your birth into the people of God.

2] Rightly dividing does not mean to ignore baptism - it is the entrance to life with Christ, commanded by Jesus.

John Martin
The jailer was saved before he was baptized. That is quite a change from Mark 16:15-17; Acts 2:38, etc. When the Lord Jesus Christ “commanded” baptism He was addressing Israel. They are to become a “kingdom of priests” in the coming earthly kingdom. Ex. 19:5-6; 29:4; cf 1 Peter 1:2:9. Contrast this with what Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 1:17. Now that IS “rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” BTW, baptism is a long study in itself. Did you know that the Word of God describes at least 12 different kinds of baptisms?
Quoting the Bible is “abusing it”? Goodness! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 11:17) As we study the Word of God and rightly divide it we are approved of God. We must understand the Word of God “rightly divided.” We must “test the things that differ” [Phil. 1:10] and we must understand that there is a vast difference between Israel’s hope and calling and the hopse and calling of the Body of Christ. One [Israel] is earthly and the other [The Body of Christ] is heavenly. We must not “Judaize” the Body of Christ. Inre to “spreading the gospel”, can you tell me what is the gospel that we are proclaim in this dispensation o0f the grace of God?
Anyone can quote the Bible, even non believers can do that. The mormons are the best at being able to quote the Bible. Like I say, it how you use it and the last post you made before this one… again, simply supplying quotes to support your stance don’t mean much to me. It is how you apply the Bible, apply the Gospel that matters far more. And listing endles passages means even less to me. Where are you with God himself… No, I don’t want a reply full of quotes you can use. I don’t want an actual reply to that question. But where are you is for you to ponder. People who real of quote after quote (from the Bible) don’t impress me much 😦
The jailer was saved before he was baptized. That is quite a change from Mark 16:15-17; Acts 2:38, etc. When the Lord Jesus Christ “commanded” baptism He was addressing Israel. They are to become a “kingdom of priests” in the coming earthly kingdom. Ex. 19:5-6; 29:4; cf 1 Peter 1:2:9. Contrast this with what Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 1:17. Now that IS “rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” BTW, baptism is a long study in itself. Did you know that the Word of God describes at least 12 different kinds of baptisms?
Literal, QuickCat: the Jailer was not saved before being baptized - He desired to be saved, and Paul would give him salvation (Paul would baptize him into the Kingdom) if he believed.
The “coming earthly kingdom” IS HERE, QuickCat!
I am one of its citizens. Benedict is the Prime Minister (the current holder or the Keys of this Kingdom).
I am one of the chosen race, the royal priesthood, the holy nation, the people for his own possession, and that is why I proclaim the excellencies of him who called me out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once I was not one of the people, but now I am one of God’s people; once I had not received mercy, but now I have received mercy.

Paul’s primary goal was preaching, letting others do the actual baptism, just like Jesus (Jesus was baptizing more disciples than John, although Jesus did not baptize them, but his disciples did the baptizing). So Paul only baptized a few leaders in Corinth, but then he delegated authority and tasks to others in the Corinthian congregation. And in this reading he is literally telling them that baptism is not a better baptism if Paul does the baptizing than it is is if Crispus or Gaius or someone else baptizes you. You were baptized (therefore “saved” therefore “made a citizen of the Kingdom established by God”) in Christ’s Name (your new King).

Like Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, QuickCat, I will tell you an “earthly thing” - you must be baptized to become a member of the Catholic Church, with Pope Benedict as the leader of that Church.
Now I will tell you a “heavenly thing” - The Catholic Church is actually the Kingdom established by God, with Jesus as its King, and it is eternal - you continue in this Kingdom in the resurrection, in the presence of your King.

John Martin
I think that question is too general to get a single answer.

To spread the gospel, one needs to separate the audience,
and approach each group differently.

There are those who used to be religious, still have some beliefs
but are now too distracted by the daily noise of modern society, etc.
These people still believe in God deep down, but are too busy
top think of the gospel.

Then there are those who do not believe in God, think that science
etc. is the answer. This is a much harder task. Personally I do
not argue with these people too much, and prayer for them may be the
first step. Unless they believe in God, preaching the gospel will
be a hard sell here. Prayer is the best approach in this case.

And there are various classes in between. So for each group, a separate
approach needs to be used.
This is a very great question… 🙂
and thanks for the answers…

A relevant quote I read today: “One of the most widespread and pernicious errors is to imagine that the merit of our life is proportionate to our labors and activity. In reality, the merit of our life and the efficacy of our apostolate is proportionate not to the amount of trouble we take, but to our holiness.”

If you live out your faith well, others will take notice and be attracted to it. They may not jump on board instantly, but planting the seeds of conversion is what’s most important.
You know what draws people to God that you can do?

It’s not teaching historical facts and evidence about the person of Jesus.

It’s not reading the Catechism or the Bible to them.

It’s not scaring them about the reality of hell and satan.

It’s not telling them how awesome this place called Heaven is.

It’s holding the person’s hand and saying a prayer to God. Show them first hand how easy and comforting it is to pray to our Lord. If you have a developed prayer life it won’t be a problem to say a 10 second prayer of gratitude and asking God to descend his Holy Spirit into that person’s life and to show his gentleness. That, my friends, is the easiest way to get people addicted to Jesus. I have a friend who is agnostic and opposes the Catholic faith, but when I got the courage and asked her to pray with me, I held her hand and showed her how I pray to God, she completely broke down and wept and said it was the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. It wasn’t even my best prayer 🤷 :cool:
You know what draws people to God that you can do?

It’s holding the person’s hand and saying a prayer to God. Even as an Anglican that approach would freak me out. Okay I have specific issues but we need to be able to listen to others. Being there for them, giving that person space to be really heard in a non judgemental way, then they will feel drawn to whatever it is you have and that will help encourage them to seek God and the best thing we can do is not necessarily draw them nearer to God by what works for us, but show them what works for us and help them find their own way to God in a non judgmental way. That is tough for us all because we want to give what works for us. :
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