Kevin Walker:
Actually, Jesus would’ve been in his prime age, but that is not important. What IS important is the fact presented in Scripture that Jesus died, and that is the piercing of the side. The spear that pierced the side of Jesus confirmed his death, because we have clear Scriptural evidence that it struck the heart. The “water” that poured out with the blood was actually serum from a sac surrounding the heart. The blood was that from His heart. So, even if He survived crucifixion, He couldn’t have survived the piercing.There is something else about Christ’s crucifixion which I have been meditating over.
In a debate at a Harvard Divinity School lecture last year with three Muslims who each had a separate argument of why Jesus survived the crucifixion, I disagreed with the Muslim physician who not only minimalized the scourging and spearing, but said that Jesus was a young man and would have survived the ordeal - that Jesus was unconscious but alive when they removed him from the cross.
My counter argument was that at the time of Christ, the average life span for a Roman citizen was 25 years and 50% of Romans died before their 10th birthday (Archeological Review magazine); therefore if Jesus was between 27 and 33 years old during his crucifixion experience, Jesus was not a young man but an old man and could not have survived the ordeal. The Muslim physician never considered the average life span 2,000 years ago. Today in the USA the average lifespan is 73 years (I think).