Thanks for your kind reply…
I see you sort of cherry picked a few items and left out the most important ones…
Faith is faith…I cannot nor need not try and rationally explain it nor vie for it’s validity.
I allow for each of us to hold to our own belief when it comes to origins and share together in God’s glory.
It really dose not matter one way or the other on the mechanics as long as we strive to serve our Lord.
I live happily day to day with my belief and it hurts absolutely no one.
You nor I were present at the beginning…you and I were neither there for the Resurrection…yet each have their own set of impossibilities in relation to “science” and our “reality” but none the less they happened.
So here it is for continuity…
Well, I too feel that if a person wants to believe in another interpretation, such as billions year old earth and aspects of evolution who am I to argue as long as their faith is in Christ?
Perhaps the places we come from and roads we travel may be varied from one another but as long as we arrive at the cross and our faith is in Him who created this world for us then I am content.
For me personally, I have never been one to argue the point, merely to express by own personal belief.
That being, God created our reality, our concept of time.
He created this earth, and as He is the three big O’s there is nothing that is beyond His ability. Be it a new earth, an earth created with the appearance of age, or an earth created in which time as we know it in that seven day period may not be quite as linear as we experience now.
I find for myself, it is a chance to allow God to be God. It allows me to say, ok God, You said it this way, I will take that on faith.
God created our physical world and all the laws we as mortals are subject to, He however is not subject to them.
I think it would be very prideful of me to say otherwise, to try and express to God the tenants of evolution or how fossils somehow negate scripture lets say.