How Easter became a #MeToo moment

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Wow, ok. While yes there were some bad preist who did horrible things, like molestation, I don’t believe the Catholic Church was notorious in this regard. There are several studies done and it is a very small percentage of preist that did this. A person has a better chance of being molested in a public school by a teacher than by a preist. There is an actual study from a university in California, I believe, that has the statistics but I can’t find it right now. Here are some other info below. Now I am not giving the preist who have done this a free pass. What they did was horrible and I pray for their soles as I pray for those effected by them to find peace and recovery.

Wow, ok. While yes there were some bad preist who did horrible things, like molestation, I don’t believe the Catholic Church was notorious in this regard. There are several studies done and it is a very small percentage of preist that did this. A person has a better chance of being molested in a public school by a teacher than by a preist. There is an actual study from a university in California, I believe, that has the statistics but I can’t find it right now. Here are some other info below. Now I am not giving the preist who have done this a free pass. What they did was horrible and I pray for their soles as I pray for those effected by them to find peace and recovery.
I’m not talking about actual numbers, but public perception. The goal was to show what an illogical train of thought it is to assume that people who wanna be actors/altar servers shouldn’t be surprised if they get molested because hey! That’s Hollywood/the Church.
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Interesting complementary pairs, your kern is badly in need of coining improvements. Worked well for me while contemplating Soros working a pitch fork over Jimmy Hoffa’s reputed grave site, of which there be many.
How does one group together elder adolescents using sexuality as a tool with innocent child victims? This related to Soros came to make some sense to me. I never considered him the innocent victim but better understand his lifetime of support of violent causes as an impulsive response to victimization as a child. Not that rape is ever less horrific just that innocent children can suffer more deeply and longer than adults.
What again is your intent in correlating the exploitive teaching events in the lives of independent adults or older adolescents during college with the abuse of children with no or little understanding of the evil acts of trusted guardian adults?
I miss the direct connection unless it has to do with giving children guns and forcing these children to shoot family members? Perhaps these tactics, if performed by a government, would then be acceptable? Trust your fake non-profit organization profiting from conflict minerals to provide you with insight on an answer. Soros surely would use such viable means to pitch in an answer.
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Sorry, I know that there is another conversation going on, but here’s another quote from the article that I don’t like:

“Even in the well-regarded film, “Jesus of Nazareth,” Mary Magdalene is portrayed as a fallen woman seeking Jesus’ forgiveness. It’s a lie that won’t die.”

It’s a lie that Mary Magdalene sought Jesus forgiveness?! I don’t think so. I get that she May not have been a prostitute like is commonly said about her, but she definitely needed forgiveness. (As we all do.)

In her case, the Bible mentions that she was cured of seven demons. So we take that to mean she was a sinner. It is not made up by the Church to say so, and it’s not exclusive to her. Think of all of the forgiveness Paul needed, he used to persecute Christians. And what about Peter who denied Christ?
I’m not talking about actual numbers, but public perception. The goal was to show what an illogical train of thought it is to assume that people who wanna be actors/altar servers shouldn’t be surprised if they get molested because hey! That’s Hollywood/the Church.
Another issue is that people might expect that the “casting couch” meant verbal sexual harassment or quid pro quo, but not realize that it involved sexual assault and rape.
What I find somewhat ironic is that they are using an example from a bygone era…one where women were powerless…and people are somehow offended that women today can relate.

People think today we’re oh-so-enlightened, but nope, exactly the same.
I always found it amusing that people say that men are intimidated by strong women. You’ve got to be a really spineless man to be intimidated by a lady. All the guys I know find capable women more interesting to associate with.
Must every holiday be ruined by Feminism?

Last time I checked, Mary Magdalene actually was a prostitute.
A woman who rode her husband’s coattails into power can hardly be considered strong and independent.
Last time I looked this up, there was historical confusion between her and another woman in the Bible. Mary Magdalene was likely a wealthy donor for Jesus’ cause.
St. Teresa of Avila (I think, please correct me if someone knows better) seemed to think the Magdalene was the sinful woman…but I’m not sure. Or maybe sinful for different sins…? :confused:
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The choice is basically, what’s more important to you: the role or chastity. Sorry, but nobody died from not being an actor/actress.
I just remember my priest telling us that Mary Magdalene was that woman.
The idea that she was a prostitute has been around for a while because of people assuming she is the same sinful woman in Luke who washed Jesus feet. Also because of a homily given in 1591 by Pope Gregory.

Here is a video about her made by The Magdalena Institute in Magdala, Israel.

Sorry, but CNN trying to use Christianity for any reason just makes my stomach turn. We pretty much know where they stand on the subject.
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