You’re saying if God knows the actions you do before you do them, then when the time comes when you do said actions, you are not free to do otherwise because God’s omniscience can’t be mistaken. So, in effect, you are fated to do certain actions before you do them. Thus, you have no free will.
This line of reasoning can be formed into a syllogism:
- If God foreknows I will do x then I will do x.
- God foreknows I will do x.
- Therefore, I necessarily do x.
However, this syllogism has it backwards. God’s foreknowledge of x does not cause x to happen, rather God’s foreknowledge of x is dependent on whether or not x happens. This is easily understood by seeing that if you did not do x but rather did y, God’s foreknowledge would have been different, and he would know that you did y instead of x. So God’s foreknowledge of specific actions is dependent on the specific actions we take.
What I propose is this:
1) If I do x, God knows it
2) I do x.
3) Therefore God knows it.
Do you see the difference? In the first syllogism God’s knowledge of you doing x causes you to do x. In the second, you doing x determines God’s foreknowledge of it. To borrow an example from Dr. Craig, God’s foreknowledge is like an infallible weather barometer–it can never be wrong, it’s always right. But clearly the barometer doesn’t determine the weather. If the weather were different, the barometer would have been different.
So it is the same with our actions. God’s foreknowledge can never be wrong–it is always right. But his foreknowledge doesn’t determine our actions. If our actions were different, his foreknowledge would have been different.