Since humans are not inherently harmful, you analogy fails. Humans can be incredibly self-giving. Why deny the world this attribute? Why are you ignoring the good?If you, I or anybody else creates something that we know with absolute certainty will be harmful, we are responsible. We created it with complete disregard for the actions that would occur. Pretty logical to me.
Why then, should a deity with extraordinary powers get a free pass?
If your creation above was given the ability to self-determine whether it would be harmful or not, why would you be personally responsible for the harm?This applies to the arguments of all three of my worthy opponents. You simply can’t brush the creative power aside if you add in all the other powers ascribed to the Christian God. I, am presuming nothing. Rather, I am utilizing the teachings relative to the attributes of the Christian God and creation to show that they are incompatible with free will.