How has the Pennsylvania scandal affected you personally?

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The same cannot be said for the bishops who shelter d the predators.
It hurts us as a universal family - the Church. I feel saddened that we look less credible in the eyes of the world where we are trying to be a good witness and that makes me mad. I feel mad that they have let us down in that way . I feel anger and humiliation on behalf of the victims and I would find it hard to look them in the eye for how can they come back to Church now. But I would hope they can come back and forgive us xx God is more upset than all of us and we just try to keep on loving and making things right
You’re hopeless… :man_facepalming:t2:

People, apparently, want a brutal witch hunt and crazy fast justice. A Secular Inquisition.
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Honestly, this hasn’t shaken me :man_shrugging:t2: I’m cynical and don’t trust people. I expect the worst and hope for the best.
I honestly don’t think laity knew about it. Or if there were rumours they wouldn’t believe it
You ARE cynical. Did you read the accounts of what went on? It’s beyond depraved.
Yeah, they’re atrocious; however, I don’t have faith in humanity. So I anticipated this. Priests are people and they will disappoint you.

Even if the Pope was on that list, I’d shrug and go into Church. I’m there for God not for man.
The Church has disturbed people just like society. Anyone can hurt you and betray your trust. We should always be alert 🚨
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Sadly true but I’d probably trust my church family more then most. Maybe I’m wrong
I found considerable comfort in today’s readings. God is perfect justice. The same God who wouldn’t permit his sinless mother to decay in the grave won’t permit unrepentant pedophiles and their enablers to enter the kingdom of heaven. Even the Magnificent speaks of how he humbles the proud and exalts the lowly. The sacraments are still valid, a Jewish girl who probably had to endure all kinds of calumny because of her pregnancy is queen of heaven, and God is still on his throne. We are being chastised right now and justly so, but God only chastises his sons and daughters.
This scandal in particular hasn’t personally affected me yet, which I’m very thankful for. However, this is all very unsettling, especially as I enter seminary in the fall.
However, this is all very unsettling, especially as I enter seminary in the fall.
Exactly! 🔝🔝🔝

How many people will not enter Religious Life because of these scandals? How many will be too embarrassed?
Exactly! 🔝🔝🔝

How many people will not enter Religious Life because of these scandals? How many will be too embarrassed?
I cannot speak for others; but, as for myself, whenever I hear about a scandal such as this, it motivates me to be a good and holy priest who is a true shepherd for his people.
This was the first day in many years that I got absolutely nothing out of mass. I just kept thinking of the abused kids
Reflecting on the report today reminded me of the movie The Magdalene Sisters. For those that have not seen it, it is about women that were sent to factories known as the “Magdalene Laundries,” mostly in Ireland, for being perceived as “fallen.” These women would suffer cruel maltreatment by nuns and even experienced numerous cases of sexual abuse.

No one really believed them because nuns, priests, etc. were pretty much god-like. Nothing bad could come from them.

Many Magdalene Laundries operated in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. Was it a big ideology at the time that religious couldn’t do any wrong? It just baffles me that parents would not believe their child when he or she comes home and says “Father touched me.”
I actually think it was an epidemic of the time (not exclusive to the Church). I know all of my aunts and uncles raised in those days were horribly molested. Aunts and uncles on BOTH sides. It just seems like in that time there was this huge epidemic of covering up abuse, because they were ALL told to shut up, ‘that’s just what men do’, and other such things.
This is why i said to look to jesus not to some priests. I was run down by a so called religious fanatic. Let us put our faith and love to someone we know we can trust. There are wonderful priests out there however, i would be careful with my children being alone with them!
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