God made the Catholic Church, who then can prevail against it, there is none mightier than God, no force stronger and as long as we serve The Almighty through His Church He will maintain it and every faithful servant.
Thanks be to God.
That is the problem I have. I have only been Catholic 10 years, I was a non practicing, non church attending Christian
before that. I never had the desire to be a Protestant. At an early age, I always believed God wanted us to be Jewish or
I am 66, and when the scandals first broke
I told myself there were so many good priests and bishops who are trying to serve the Catholic church and God and I
will continue my daily life as a Catholic.
But if God made the Catholic church, why have their been those who continue to hide corruption and evil for so many years?
I thought shepherds were supposed to protect the flocks from the wolves.
We had the Schism with the Orthodox, then the Protestant Reformation, so something prevailed. The Church is in
crisis right now. Have we not learned anything since the Reformation?