How is Catholic Church more transparent since ‘Spotlight’ movie?

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That appears to be exactly what happened to the local pastor in my area. He was put on administrative leave and the investigation was turned over to local police detectives and it was reported on the local TV station. Thanks, CTBcin
I see from your profile that you’re from Oklahoma. I have a priest friend out there who had mentioned a priest put on administrative leave recently, so there’s a high likelihood that this is the same the same guy you’re talking about.

I don’t know much about the case, but it sounds like the diocese handled it well. The proper authorities were contacted and both the police and the diocese is investigating. I’m sorry that you had something like this happen near you.
Probably is the same priest you’re referring to. He’s a high profile pastor at a prominent parish who has done spots on local Catholic radio. I even shook his hand when I visited his parish once when I wanted to experience a Catholic mass in person a year or so ago and he was greeting parishioners on the way out.
Probably is the same priest you’re referring to. He’s a high profile pastor at a prominent parish who has done spots on local Catholic radio. I even shook his hand when I visited his parish once when I wanted to experience a Catholic mass in person a year or so ago and he was greeting parishioners on the way out.
I’m sorry to hear that. Some time ago, there was a priest I knew of as an acquaintance who got in serious trouble over sexual misconduct. So I understand how shocking those things are when they come to light.

Fortunately, we are blessed to have a generation of young men studying in the seminary who are striving for holiness, and instead of being dejected by these things, they’re more and more motivated to be the best priests they can be. Pray for seminarians!
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I think the first thing we shouldn’t do is try to defend the Church’s role in these abuses but rather acknowledge it and try to explain that the actions of individuals does nothing to approve or disprove Catholic teaching and authority and that these actions were in defiance of it. Just as much as a corrupt police officer or sheriff does nothing to disprove the legitimacy of a the institution of law and order. If someone is not a Catholic because of the actions of individuals in the Church then please understand this is merely a red herring to the real reason, perhaps something very personal to them. A bias they may have developed through indoctrination by all forms of media in society today
Why is she Christian at all? The Apostle Jesus handpicked denied him thrice. All of the others fled and abandoned Him in His hour of need. The early Church was a mess - just pay attention to all of the problems addressed by Saint Paul. Scandal was the only reason he wrote those letters.

Gently remind her that Church is not looking left and right, only to see sinners and hypocrites. Church is that which was founded by Christ and which calls us to look up to the splendor and perfection of God.

I Googled “Methodist Scandals” and come to find out there is blood on all hands. At some point (you’ll know when), ask her how she could stay in such a scandalized community. If abuse is bad, why is Methodist abuse not reported? Hmmmm…
  1. The Catholic Church Saved My Marriage by Dr. David Anders, former Calvinist.
  2. Rome Sweet Home by Dr. Scott Hahn, former Presbyterian.
  3. A video:
    I am always amazed at Glen Allen’s faith, perseverance and logic. Oh, and his Baptist wife? She would “Never never never never never ever become Catholic.”
She’s now Catholic.
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