How is the weather y'all?

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Top of 26C ,misting and overcast ,breezy.
A friend called it soft weather.The last week has been like this and more to come,I’m loving it !
I’m hoping the rest of Summer continues with this trend rolling easily into Autumn.
But it also could easily go back to days of 40C and the Autumn rains not come till into April.
Expecting 5 more inches of snow tomorrow.

My town usually gets about 120 inches of snow on average but this year only 43 inches so far have fallen.
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It is 73 degrees here, partly cloudy, HUMID, and my nose is running terribly! 😔
I give up. What Season is it anyway? Minus 7 three days ago; 48 degrees tomorrow. Must be winter because there’s still snow cover.
27 degrees Fahrenheit (-2.778 degrees Celsius) with a cloudless sky.
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It’s warming up, again, but we’ve learned to not expect these brief warm-ups to last. No sooner does some of the snow and ice begin to melt off than we get a whole new dusting of it. The one predictable thing about inland northwest (USA) weather is that it’s UNpredictable.

No frost after Mothers Day? Don’t count on it!
Nice to see you around.

Low 70’s, cloudy. Have to cut the grass before rain moves in again tonight.
And bam, just like that, snow! Not much, but it was warming up and becoming much more Springlike.
I would be celebrating if I were you.

I’m not ready for winter to leave. 😭😭

I don’t like warm weather.
Looks like we’re in for a week of dreary weather. Chilly, rainy, and cloudy. Oh, well, Spring is getting closer.
The deer are eating the leaves of my tulips and Either trampled on, or ate my crocus.

Yes, spring is here. :roll_eyes:
Typical for Colorado in March… we’ve been running in the high 50’s to low 60’s, sunny and mild. Then, the wind kicked up yesterday, rain started this am and now snow…the wet slushy type…about 3”. Tomorrow it starts warming up again and high 50’s by Saturday.

Yeah, typical! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
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