Almost 80 today. Rebuilt my raised beds for the vegetable garden. I’m still expecting another cold snap before it’s time to plant summer crops. Because that’s how it rolls in Georgia.
Desperate times…desperate measures. When my husband and I were still newly married we were so short of cash that I washed my clothes in the bathtub and hung them all over the house to dry…it was winter. I only washed desperately needed items and honestly, it’s very do-able.A friend of mine is kind of panicking because she has no washer and dryer and the laundromats are all shut down.
I consider zucchini to be demon bred!zucchini
Me, too! I didn’t have a dryer for years after I got a washer. The problem I have now is that I’m in a neighborhood with rules against clothesline’s! We plan on making our final move in about three years and wherever it is, it won’t have a homeowners association. The one we have now isn’t like some of the horror stories I’ve heard about and much more reasonably priced…$125.00/ yr…but, I want my clothesline back! Nothing smells better than sheets dried in the sun…NOTHING! There aren’t any dryer sheets that can mimic it. And bonus…it sterilizes them as well.Love sheets and pillowcases and tee shirts off the clothesline! There is no other smell in the world like that!