How is the weather y'all?

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Almost 80 today. Rebuilt my raised beds for the vegetable garden. I’m still expecting another cold snap before it’s time to plant summer crops. Because that’s how it rolls in Georgia.
You live in Pennsylvania right?

Is it true that there is a statewide shutdown of so called non-essential businesses?

A friend of mine is kind of panicking because she has no washer and dryer and the laundromats are all shut down.
Tomato’s, cucumbers, zucchini or squash, pole beans. And whatever else my wife wants to try. We don’t have a lot of space for growing, just three 8x4 boxes. If my wife had her way we’d plow up the front lawn. She thinks grass is a waste of resources but the homeowners association might disagree.
A friend of mine is kind of panicking because she has no washer and dryer and the laundromats are all shut down.
Desperate times…desperate measures. When my husband and I were still newly married we were so short of cash that I washed my clothes in the bathtub and hung them all over the house to dry…it was winter. I only washed desperately needed items and honestly, it’s very do-able.
I’ve had to wash clothes in the bathtub before. My grandma, God Rest her soul, used to have, when we lived in Illinois, a washing machine where you kind of pressed the water out of the laundry I don’t know how to explain it. Those were interesting times. I’ve also had to bathe in beer when I didn’t have any water. I don’t drink, there was beer on the fridge I needed to take a bath, alcohol kills germs , so…
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Do you mean a washing machine with the roller bars that you run the clothes through to squeeze the water out? My mom had one!
I grew up in a home with no washing machine. We washed lots of clothes in the bathtub. By the time I was in 7th grade I was responsible for washing my own underwear and socks! We would put them on the radiator in the bathroom. I didn’t own enough stuff for a whole week, and I recently told my daughter what a cheap thrill it is that I now have enough for two weeks. 😊

In the warm weather, blouses went straight to hangers and were hung on the clothesline to drip dry.

Towels and sheets and heavy clothes were taken to the laundromat and hung on clotheslines in the attic or basement. We couldn’t afford to dry them in the machine! 😂

I still hang some clothes on two wooden racks if I don’t need them right away, and I am in the process of finishing my outdoor clothesline. Love sheets and pillowcases and tee shirts off the clothesline! There is no other smell in the world like that!
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Love sheets and pillowcases and tee shirts off the clothesline! There is no other smell in the world like that!
Me, too! I didn’t have a dryer for years after I got a washer. The problem I have now is that I’m in a neighborhood with rules against clothesline’s! We plan on making our final move in about three years and wherever it is, it won’t have a homeowners association. The one we have now isn’t like some of the horror stories I’ve heard about and much more reasonably priced…$125.00/ yr…but, I want my clothesline back! Nothing smells better than sheets dried in the sun…NOTHING! There aren’t any dryer sheets that can mimic it. And bonus…it sterilizes them as well.
I grew up with both washer/dryer but my dear mother would hang dry year round to keep the electric bill low.

Gusty with clouds and warm humid air today
My parents have the same idea as your wife.

To them, grass is a waste of space and have torn out their lawn and put in flower beds and raised vegetable gardens.

My mom has the greenest of green thumbs and walking out to the garden was like visiting a farmers market with all the abundance of vegetables growing in their yard.
Everything is starting to get a tinge of yellow with a fine coat of pollen.
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