How long before the Don loses his Teflon?

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In answer to the OP, for me he never had any “teflon.” It isn’t even a party affiliation with me. I grew up with a dad who behaved exactly as Mr. Trump does. What I see in our president are the characteristics and mannerisms that I was subjected to as a child. I can never support that on any level. So yeah, call me a hater if you must, but understand that I am coming at this from a different perspective, and that my distaste for him is in no way a knock on Republicans, or even those that back him.
As Shapiro and Limbaugh note: The Republicans are too scared to lose power once they have it. So they bow to all of these over-paid campaign consults.
The responses to Trump’s tweets are sometimes worse than what he said in the first place.

Funny watching those who issue such responses try and take the moral high ground.

It’s also a double standard. If Trump or Milo sneeze in the wrong direction, they get hammered by those trying to maintain a prim and proper surface image. But if their kids want to shack up or there’s a new left-wing sexual cause to celebrate, meh, who are we to judge?

*Also applies to rap lyrics as well.
Trump will never be separated from his supporters as long as their is no viable alternative and/or as long as he keeps his core promises (which are consistently misidentified by his opponents).

He is our last, best hope for America.
That’s what it comes down. At the end of the day, the GOPe and the Democrats have to find someone to run against him.
Why are the career politicians unable to resist or deflect or do a runaround Trumps’s tweets and comments?

It should be SO EASY.

I mean, the Republicans have been complaining for seven years … and now they have everything they asked for, but are unable to vote in Republican “laws”.

It. Should. Be. So. Easy.

But they can’t seem to do anything.

They can’t even approve Trumps appointments.
It’s also a double standard.
Yes, this is the President of the United States, the guy who flies around in the big jet, the guy who could nuke the world if he chose to, the leader of the largest military ever, the dude that signs laws into action, our buddy who can change how many governmental departments work with a stroke of his pen, the man with the bully pulpit, and the bro who represents us around the world.

You better well believe kids “shacking up” or social issues take a back seat to his comments. It’s seems your source of information may have forgotten this.
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