How long does it take you to pray the Rosary?

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springbreeze said:
šŸ™‚ Pope John Paul II prays whilst taking a walk also.

God Bless you

I try to do this, but oftentimes I end up getting distracted by one thing or another. Often I end up starting decades over again because I feel I didnā€™t give them enough attention. Does anyone else have this problem?
I suppose there is no point praying our hearts out and then live our lives submerged in sin.
Donā€™t we all live like that?

I say that, quite the opposite, especially those who live submerged in sin must pray as often and intensively as possible. Conversion doesnā€™t come easy and neither through a simple prayer as our Protestant brothers mistakingly think. Itā€™s a life long process rooted in prayer.

Only saints in Heaven donā€™t have to pray for themselves.
For the rosary about 25minutes on average and for divine mercy chaplet about 10 minutes. I sometimes take longer on one over the other, it all depends on how slowly I go or how long I focus on the mysteries.
I canā€™t do the Rosary while Iā€™m doing something else. I tried it while driving a couple of times, but itā€™s worse than talking on the phone by far!

It takes me about 20-25 minutes. šŸ™‚
I canā€™t drive and say the rosary at the same time with any attention or reverence, I tried it with a CD driving home at night, one decade takes about 15 minutes, but I get too distracted, its worse than a cell phone.
I try to do this, but oftentimes I end up getting distracted by one thing or another. Often I end up starting decades over again because I feel I didnā€™t give them enough attention. Does anyone else have this problem?
yes, especially when somebody greets me or starts a conversation, also when I see a bird I want to watch for a while (Iā€™m also a birder) but usually when I go off in a tangent based on the mystery Iā€™m on. I realized the distraction IS the prayer so it doesnā€™t bother me any more.

The reason I circle our park (development) is what I started doing when we moved down to a Texas retirement community is to circle the park and its residents with prayer. I began this when I was on South Padre Island walking up and down the beach in the early morning, during Spring Break (the only quiet time in March) and I prayed for all those kids that they would not suffer injury to body or soul (usually a few deaths during SB due to alchohol, drugs, accidents, drowning) and lots of subsidized immorality.
Donā€™t we all live like that?

I say that, quite the opposite, especially those who live submerged in sin must pray as often and intensively as possible. Conversion doesnā€™t come easy and neither through a simple prayer as our Protestant brothers mistakingly think. Itā€™s a life long process rooted in prayer.

Only saints in Heaven donā€™t have to pray for themselves.
Dear friend

I thought long and hard about your words here. I have to say after alot of thought, that on one hand you are very correct, the sinner must be constantly in prayer and yes we are all sinners.

I think the thing I was so badly trying to say, was that there is no point keep praying and then wilfully sinning against God and humanity without any effort to turn oneā€™s life around. For example, a person may pray over and over again for employment, to meet a spouse, to make friends, to receive healing of body or mind, to have happiness/peace or some other gift from God, a favour, but then not pay attention to working on a their sinful nature by praying for spiritual healing and assistance in ceasing committing sins. It happens and it is not because that person is lazy , they just have not reached, (as you say) that part of their journey in faith.

As you also say, conversion to faith or within faith doesnā€™t come easy, but conversion is not brought about by the ā€˜selfā€™ it is brought about by Holy Spirit and we are to respond to the calling to repent.God gives us every good gift and the owness always lies with us to respond. To respond initially by prayer and then in the receipt of the Sacraments.

It is in the state of grace that our prayers have POWER by the grace of God.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I just say the mysteries on their designated days, and I prefer to pray alone.
I do not mind whether the rosary is said in modern or quaint language, provided it is said slowly and with reverence. I do not care for it being rattled off at great speed, often before Mass. This can reduce it to a meaningless babble. At the one extreme is the ā€œIrish express" which I ran into at full tilt some years ago. The priest raced through the Hail Mary at full speed but, as he got to ā€œblessed ā€¦. The congregation chimed in with ā€œHoly Mary ā€¦it was quick but was it efficacious?
At the other extreme is a dragon lady who insists on adding dozens of private prayers and invocations.

I had problems with the idea of meditating the Mysteries whilst repeating the prayers, but one priest advised that one should do the meditation first. I have found a simple Biblical reading before each Mystery to be very meaningful in this regard.
I would say it usually takes me 20-25 minutes on my own, 15-20 minutes with groups. If on my own, I like to turn off the lights and light a candle.
I canā€™t drive and say the rosary at the same time with any attention or reverence, I tried it with a CD driving home at night, one decade takes about 15 minutes, but I get too distracted, its worse than a cell phone.
I agree. I canā€™t devote my attention to the road and to Our Lady at the same time with any reverence. But perhaps driving down a road with barely any other car it might be feasible.
For example, a person may pray over and over again for employment, to meet a spouse, to make friends, to receive healing of body or mind, to have happiness/peace or some other gift from God, a favour, but then not pay attention to working on a their sinful nature by praying for spiritual healing and assistance in ceasing committing sins.
Good post.

You are, of course, quite right in pointing this out. The temptation of ā€œbribingā€ God, pretending to love Him back, is a very real threat.

God bless you.
If Iā€™m in a group using it takes about 20 - 30 minutes, but on my own could be over 45 minutes. For me there are different ways to pray the Rosary - sometimes more as a petition for a certain need, then it is a little faster, other times as a slow consideration of each mystery, and as a means to prepare for Mass, or a slow prayer focusing more on the Hail Marys, as a devotion to Our Lady. I feel generally Our Lady likes the Rosary prayed slowly from the heart, not rushed. But when itā€™s time for community prayer, itā€™s good to pray together at the pace the group is going. :)

How do you guys say it so fast?! :eek:

Just the five mysteries of a set take me over an hourā€¦ I also canā€™t do anything else while praying the rosary, so I try to do it at home or amidst the peace of a church. Something thatā€™s still killing me, though, is the meditating part. I donā€™t think Iā€™m doing enough of itā€¦ I mean, what exactly is meant by ā€œmeditatingā€??? isnā€™t one of the smart ones I have trouble saying the Hail Marys out loud while meditating, too, so what I do is meditate (as not-so-deep as it may be) between the first verse and the ā€œHoly Mary, Mother of Godā€ verse. I kinda like it, itā€™s like a sandwichā€¦ šŸ˜›
Something thatā€™s still killing me, though, is the meditating part. I donā€™t think Iā€™m doing enough of itā€¦ I mean, what exactly is meant by ā€œmeditatingā€???
Good question. Iā€™d like to hear other answers to it.

This how I understand it and put it into practice: as I say the prayers, I keep thinking about the mystery, why it was so and what God is trying to tell us through it. Sometimes my thoughts on a mistery resound with a verse that Iā€™m praying and it helps improving my understanding of Godā€™s Love.

When my mind wanders away, and it sure does, I have a point to focus it back to: the mistery.

It took an hour today to pray 15 decades of the rosary, one Hail Mary for every baby aborted during that hour, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle. The Eucharistic Procession led by several priests, seminarians and escorted by the Knights of Columbus, followed by delegations from many parishes in the Valley, carrying their banners, and pro-life signs. Many non-Catholics were present for the prayer walk, cars passing on the freeway honked in support. It will be interesting to see what kind of coverage we get on local TV. I canā€™t give a crowd estimate, but at the end of the line, by the time I got into the church proper Benediction was already over and the Sacrament being reposed before Mass. The parking lot, which holds as many cars as a good size mall, was full.
It takes me between 40 and 45 minutes. But they take about 15 minutes in some places. How come? Not that I medidate a lot on the misteries, on the contrary, thereā€™s room for improvement. Or maybe I get distracted too muchā€¦
I get distracted too, but try not to let it get in the way.
We have a radio station that plays an old recording of the rosary and it is usually done in 13 minutes.
I canā€™t see how anyone can say a whole 5 decade rosary without some kind of meditation.
Iā€™ve been praying the rosary for years. It always takes me between 30 and 40 minutes. I have no idea how anyone could do it in 15 minutes.
My form of meditation is concentration. I listen to every word that I am saying. I want to concentrate and hear what I am saying. I know that this may sound wierd to some, but if you do it this way, you feel differently about doing the rosary. It has worked for me for years.
My form of meditation is concentration. I listen to every word that I am saying. I want to concentrate and hear what I am saying. I know that this may sound wierd to some, but if you do it this way, you feel differently about doing the rosary. It has worked for me for years.
Youā€™re in good company: thatā€™s how St. Therese prayed the Rosary. šŸ˜‰
20 minutes for 5 mysteriesā€¦ieā€¦1st joyfulā€¦2nd joyful etcā€¦

As I pray the Hail Maryā€™s I visualize the event as my meditation. The fastest was 15 minutes but I was racing thru the Hail Marys and slowed down.
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