How long does it take you to pray the Rosary?

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approx 25-30mins and that is in Church with others before saturday Mass. All five mysteries included, plus various prayers.
Forgot to point out that where I live the bishops advise praying the Rosary with others as the best way. Although of course, it can be prayed alone. If I pray alone i find I become very distracted and sometimes even completely stop. I prefer communial praying of the Rosary for that reason.
I prsy the rosary as I am walking home from work. Takes me 30 minutes or so
I use a booklet which contains scripture references inbetween each Hail Mary. This takes some time. I prefer to listen to someone else or a tape recite the Rosary for me, then I can reflect and mediate on the scriptures. Our Protestant friends would embrace the Rosary if they were aware of the scriptural references.

The time depends on so many factors. If I am saying the rosary stationary, or if I am saying it while running (I usally say a few rosaries while out on a run). How deeply I am able to meditate on a particular mystery for any given day; some days it is easier to find inspiration and relevance than others. How hurried I feel interriorly; sometimes it takes me a while to find a prayerful rhythm when I start them. How good my powers of concentarion are; the worse is whenI think I’ll say one in bed before I go to sleep, becuase I didn’t manange to fit it in earlier and my mind keeps wondering half way into dreams and back to the rosary, when a mediation carries me too far - I’m am trying more to not say them lying in bed.
How do you guys say it so fast?! :eek:

Just the five mysteries of a set take me over an hour… I also can’t do anything else while praying the rosary, so I try to do it at home or amidst the peace of a church. Something that’s still killing me, though, is the meditating part. I don’t think I’m doing enough of it… I mean, what exactly is meant by “meditating”??? isn’t one of the smart ones I have trouble saying the Hail Marys out loud while meditating, too, so what I do is meditate (as not-so-deep as it may be) between the first verse and the “Holy Mary, Mother of God” verse. I kinda like it, it’s like a sandwich… 😛
Actually I usually take over an hour myself too, for the 5 decade Rosary, when I am trying to pray it well on my own. I feel the same way - how can it be prayed so fast. Well, I guess in community it goes faster. But there are different ways to pray it. Try not to worry so much when you’re praying it - I know how that is though - you want to be meditating but at the same time you’re praying vocal prayers - either to yourself or out loud. I also prefer to pray it on my own because it’s difficult to meditate when praying the vocal prayers quickly. Meditating on the mysteries is simply recalling the event in the lives of Jesus and Mary. I usually think of Jesus and Mary in that scene when I pray the Hail Mary. I mean, I pray the Hail Mary to Mary there in that scene in my mind - “to Jesus through Mary.” And then concentrate on the adoration of Jesus, when I say His Holy Name in the prayer. But don’t worry too much. The important part is praying to Jesus and Mary with your heart that you may become open to God’s grace, and draw more and more into prayer. You can concentrate sometimes more on the mystery, or more on the words of the prayer. I hope this can be of some help. 🙂

Jesus, Mary, I love you! Save souls!
I also can’t do anything else while praying the rosary, so I try to do it at home or amidst the peace of a church. Something that’s still killing me, though, is the meditating part. I don’t think I’m doing enough of it… I mean, what exactly is meant by “meditating”??? isn’t one of the smart ones I have trouble saying the Hail Marys out loud while meditating, too, so what I do is meditate (as not-so-deep as it may be) between the first verse and the “Holy Mary, Mother of God” verse. I kinda like it, it’s like a sandwich… 😛
I prayed my first full Rosay (150 decades) this morning (Saturday) after Mass (after the place settled down from all the post-Mass chitchat). I had everything typed out – the outline, the prayers, and the meditation points. I got them from the Rosary Center website:

Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries

I actually had everything laid out in front of me (I was kneeling in the front pew – there’s some sort of cabinet/table in front of the front pews… what’s that called?). Before each Hail Mary I would look at the current “meditation point” and get it in my mind. Then I would say the prayer. Sometimes I would look at the paper while I was praying. Not as cumbersome as I was afraid it would be. Eventually, I will memorize them all. Eventually. :hmmm:

I plan to add to them, perhaps filling them out a little more (the meditation points, I mean), and add scripture quotations to them. This was what someone else was referring to above by the phrase “scriptural Rosary.”

It’s a lot easier to meditate when you have actual scenes to envision for each Hail Mary.

I plan to post my help sheets online at some point.

Anyway, it took me about an hour and five minutes to do the fifteen mysteries.
I said between 15 and 30 minutes. It depends on how attentive I am when I sit down to say it.

Yes, I can say it while walking. Actually, when I pray it while walking around the park, I lose where I am on the rosary, even though I’m using the rosary beads. I’ll forget to progress along the beads. No matter.

Once, the day after I saw The Passion of the Christ, I was on an hour-long flight. It was Friday, so I began to say the Sorrowful Mysteries.

An hour and almost a half later when the plane began its descent, I was still on about the 6th bead of the first Sorrowful mystery.

Praying for God’s will… in my life… and elsewhere… and all that.

WOW! It was SO powerful! The whole time, I was picturing the scene in the movie where Jesus was in the Garden… and the snake was slithering along on the ground.
It takes me between 40 and 45 minutes. But they take about 15 minutes in some places. How come?
Looking at the results so far, I had to think why most take between 15 and 30min to say the full Rosary. I think I realized the answer…

Today I timed how long it took me to pray a decade in Portuguese, my native language: 7min. I just tried saying a decade in English and it took me just 5min! Even with English being a mostly monosyllabic language, I could never imagine that it’d be that shorter.

I said 30 - 45. Although sometimes I can get “stuck” meditating at a single mystery and I will not finish the 5 of them 'cuz I have to move on with the day - or, I fall asleep. :o
that’s why the CHurch suggests that you not say the Rosary too fast, nor too slow…

with one you are not meditating, with the other, you may fall asleep. this is intuitive because the chanting of the Rosary has a calming effect.
I usually take between 30 and 35 minutes to pray the rosary. A lot of times i’ve heard it takes 15 minutes, which always sort of puzzled me. Even if I’m praying it as fast as I can, if i’m in a hurry or something, it takes me around 25. I don’t think speed has too big of an effect on how well the prayer is, I find sometimes I can concentrate pretty well, and sometimes i can’t, regardless of speed. It’s just you get to spend more time with God in an extraordinary sort of intimacy if you pray the prayers slower. The rosary is great, but if i’m tired or can’t concentrate i tend to pray it faster, and it can seem like a chore. If that’s the case, i’m glad to do it anyway, cuz if praying seems like a chore, then i probably need to be praying more so than if it’s pleasurable. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the rosary.
  • in Christ

I voted "Between 30 and 45min" but it varies. I try not to rush it.

God Bless!
From 30-50 minutes. I try my hardest to concentrate on each mystery and I try to keep in mind what a prayer is saying or whom I am addressing. Not that I am always successful at this. I love to commend people to God, the ones I thinking of at the moment, the ones that have asked me to pray for them, I pray for the virtues that each mystery holds, I especially like to commend to God the Holy Souls in purgatory.

If I am not too tired, I will say additional prayers after I am finished with the Rosary. There is so much to pray for.
I prayed my first full Rosay (150 decades) this morning (Saturday) after Mass (after the place settled down from all the post-Mass chitchat). I had everything typed out – the outline, the prayers, and the meditation points. I got them from the Rosary Center website:

Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries

I actually had everything laid out in front of me (I was kneeling in the front pew – there’s some sort of cabinet/table in front of the front pews… what’s that called?). Before each Hail Mary I would look at the current “meditation point” and get it in my mind. Then I would say the prayer. Sometimes I would look at the paper while I was praying. Not as cumbersome as I was afraid it would be. Eventually, I will memorize them all. Eventually. :hmmm:

I plan to add to them, perhaps filling them out a little more (the meditation points, I mean), and add scripture quotations to them. This was what someone else was referring to above by the phrase “scriptural Rosary.”

It’s a lot easier to meditate when you have actual scenes to envision for each Hail Mary.

I plan to post my help sheets online at some point.

Anyway, it took me about an hour and five minutes to do the fifteen mysteries.
Where you using a seven decade Franciscan Crown Rosary or the standard five decade rosary?
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