God did not inspired them to err. They erred on their own.Humans have erred under God’s inspiration from the very first couple.
In the case of Moses there was no promise for leading into all truth by the Holy Spirit (hence why he allowed divorce).I am not claiming that the inspiration CAUSED the error, but rather that the error happens DESPITE the inspiration. It ALWAYS has. cf Moses. cf Peter. cf Noah. cf Saul/Paul. cf other disciples and Biblical figures. The Bible gives no evidence of a world or church or person free from error, and makes no claim that any institution will be free from error.
In the case of Paul and Peter, no error. As I keep reiterating, the promise of guidance into truth applies only to faith and doctrine. When something becomes binding on the Church, there is no error (hence the Church has never allowed divorce, since Jesus expressly forbade it).
Take for example the council of Jerusalem. There was a lot of confusion over circumcision. But once ruling has been made, that is the end of speculation.
If they err in other things not relating to doctrine, then that does not count because the guarantee is not for that.