How Many Minutes Do You All Drive To Your Parish?

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Hey–thx so much all you who have responded thus far. I LOVE my church which is about 20 minutes away, but uses alot of gas for my car. As I’m finding I want to get more involved, i.e., adoration, evening Mass, confession, etc., I don’t know if I should find a closer parish for these things. I just can’t be driving so far 3-4 times a week. Do any of you attend Mass on Sundays at one parish then, go to confession, bible study or adoration somewhere else? I’d really like to know your views.

Confession - yes, I’ve gone to other parishes for confession.

Bible Studies - I would go to a Bible Study at another parish, sure.

Adoration? Well, our town has a shared Adoration chapel at the convent, that is always somewhere else…

CCD - I teach in our parish.

Youth Group - our parish is the host of youth group for the town Parishes…

Perhaps combine some of your trips? Adroation before or after Mass, while the kids are in CCD?
Hey–thx so much all you who have responded thus far. I LOVE my church which is about 20 minutes away, but uses alot of gas for my car. As I’m finding I want to get more involved, i.e., adoration, evening Mass, confession, etc., I don’t know if I should find a closer parish for these things. I just can’t be driving so far 3-4 times a week. Do any of you attend Mass on Sundays at one parish then, go to confession, bible study or adoration somewhere else? I’d really like to know your views.

We go to the same parish for Mass and we are involved with pre-cana instruction, mom’s group, parish council and other committtee. My husband are in our very early 30’s and the pastor hooks us for any upcoming committee because he wants young people to be involved. Sometimes I have to explain to him that with 2 very young kiddos that we can’t always be invovled. 😉 It is a blessing though, we have truly found our parish “home”.

That being said, I do go to confession at the closer church though. The closer one is literally 2 minutes away and usually I am embarking on major household projects on Saturday and tear myself away in my scrub gear to get my clean lambie soul. :getholy:
We go to the same parish for Mass and we are involved with pre-cana instruction, mom’s group, parish council and other committtee. My husband are in our very early 30’s and the pastor hooks us for any upcoming committee because he wants young people to be involved. Sometimes I have to explain to him that with 2 very young kiddos that we can’t always be invovled. 😉 It is a blessing though, we have truly found our parish “home”.

That being said, I do go to confession at the closer church though. The closer one is literally 2 minutes away and usually I am embarking on major household projects on Saturday and tear myself away in my scrub gear to get my clean lambie soul. :getholy:
Bless you. I think the important thing is that we go, don’t you?
As I’m finding I want to get more involved, i.e., adoration, evening Mass, confession, etc., I don’t know if I should find a closer parish for these things. . .Do any of you attend Mass on Sundays at one parish then, go to confession, bible study or adoration somewhere else? I’d really like to know your views.
Adoration - My own parish has it only twice a week, so I go to another parish on other days for a few minutes here and there–which is actually only about another 2 or so minutes down the street.

Confession - I have attended at another church on occasion, but we were due for a huge snowstorm, I was at another parish other than my own, so I erred on the side of safety and went to confession there. But again, it’s only about 2 more minutes past my church.

Bible Study - I attend another church which is about 20 minutes from my church, but it’s a diocesan 4-year program and this is where it’s held, so I have no choice.

Mass - I forgot. My church doesn’t have Saturday morning Mass. I go to a church about 10 minutes away, because the other church (only about 2 minutes farther than mine) doesn’t have adoration on Sat. and this farther one does, so I can spend a few extra minutes after Mass Sat. morning to sit with Him.

But I think I have a huge advantage over most people–my husband’s employer pays for the gas in both of our vehicles as a company benefit, so although I do watch my mileage, I don’t skimp on God.

Adoration - My own parish has it only twice a week, so I go to another parish on other days for a few minutes here and there–which is actually only about another 2 or so minutes down the street.

Confession - I have attended at another church on occasion, but we were due for a huge snowstorm, I was at another parish other than my own, so I erred on the side of safety and went to confession there. But again, it’s only about 2 more minutes past my church.

Bible Study - I attend another church which is about 20 minutes from my church, but it’s a diocesan 4-year program and this is where it’s held, so I have no choice.

Mass - I forgot. My church doesn’t have Saturday morning Mass. I go to a church about 10 minutes away, because the other church (only about 2 minutes farther than mine) doesn’t have adoration on Sat. and this farther one does, so I can spend a few extra minutes after Mass Sat. morning to sit with Him.

But I think I have a huge advantage over most people–my husband’s employer pays for the gas in both of our vehicles as a company benefit, so although I do watch my mileage, I don’t skimp on God.

Thx so much! This is most helpful!!!🙂
Hello. I would like to know how many minutes you all drive to go to your parish? And is this just on Sunday? How many times during the week also do you go there?

Thank you so very kindly.
My parish is literally right across the street! During the summer, when I was not working (I teach at a university) my wife and I attended Mass almost daily. Even while working, I still attend 2-3 times per week.
David Zampino:
My parish is literally right across the street! During the summer, when I was not working (I teach at a university) my wife and I attended Mass almost daily. Even while working, I still attend 2-3 times per week.
WOW! This sounds ideal! You are most lucky! Sounds like you live in a small town!
My FIs church is less than five minutes away. We go on sundays and he goes during the week if he has a week day off.

My Kingdom Hall is about ten minutes away. Not bad. And that’s on sundays, tuesdays, thursdays.

I do miss small town living though. Although KHs are harder to find so if you live in a small town it’s about a half hour drive each way to meetings.
I think we could walk to church from his parents’ house. They live a bit closer. It’s nice to be in an area like that. I’ts not a small town, but everything is centrally located.
Hey–thx so much all you who have responded thus far. I LOVE my church which is about 20 minutes away, but uses alot of gas for my car. As I’m finding I want to get more involved, i.e., adoration, evening Mass, confession, etc., I don’t know if I should find a closer parish for these things. I just can’t be driving so far 3-4 times a week. Do any of you attend Mass on Sundays at one parish then, go to confession, bible study or adoration somewhere else? I’d really like to know your views.

Sparkle, I belong to a Parish 25 minutes away(downtown) and I do go to Confession there because they have it before all Masses. If I am able to go to daily Mass or when there is a Holy Day of Obligation, or The Stations of The Cross during Lent, then I go to the one that is only 6 minutes away. I would like to get more involved with my Parish, but besides the gas usage, my Husband dosen’t want me to drive or be downtown in the evening/night time.🙂
We live only a mile from one parish where we sometimes attend daily Mass (when we can get up for the 6:30 a.m. starting time) but this is not our parish. Our parish is 7-8 minutes away, 10 if traffic is bad, and a much smaller and more ‘communal’ parish that kinda needs younger members. It is also run by the Benedictines!!! 😃

For confessions, we walk to the parish just a mile away because they have a more convenient time and we like to walk on Saturdays. They also get really amazing priests in from all over the world. This has made for some really amazing spiritual direction in the confessional!
My parish is at least 25 minutes away (if I speed, but I’d never do that, would I 😉 ). I live in a very small town and there’s no Catholic Church here. The parish I go to is well worth the drive, though. I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else. Everyone there is very friendly and the priest is great. I’m very happy to have chosen this as my first parish as a Catholic.

Scout :tiphat:
It takes us about 15 minutes to get to church. There is a closer parish, but we go to the one my husband grew up in. It’s good because we both feel at home there, and his parents go there so we sit with them during Mass. We go every Sunday morning, Monday afternoon, the kids have choir practice, Tuesday afternoon we have Religious Ed, Thursday evening Mass and Divine Mercy Chaplet prayers (this is a new routine, still trying it out).
The parish I’m suppose to belong to is less than 5 minutes away, but I drive the extra minutes to go to my family’s (I call it “my home”) parish - the parish I grew up in and learned about loving service to others. I don’t think I can really leave the parish (unless I move to Canada or something). My brothers, who live in different parts of the county, still attend this parish, also. 👍
We drive 3 minutes to church (we really should walk :)!) However and about once every 2 months or so we drive an hour to go to mass with my family.
Thanks for all the helpful responses. Guess, what I’m wondering is:
are Catholic churches somehow different in that they have “boundaries”, and you’re “supposed” to go to the one nearest your house? (I’ve heard this mention of boundaries before). Or is it common to perhaps find one you like better, even if you have to drive farther, although most who attend are the locals, or people who live in that city? This is my concern. Everytime I tell people at my church (which is around 20 minutes away), I live in such and such a town, they respond, “oh you live all the way out there”–like it’s hours away or something. :o Then they say: “What churches are there? there’s this one, that one”, etc. This response makes me feel sort of unwelcome. Like I’m supposed to go to the one 5 minutes away. :confused:
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