How many people actually say the Rosary daily?

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On the days that I work I’ll pray part of the Rosary until I can listen to Mass on EWTN radio. If I can not finish the Rosary on my way to work I finish on the Way Home. It takes me 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes to drive one way.🙂

May God Bless and Protect Us All,
I have some Franciscan friends that make rosaries for missions. I have read the letters from the missionaries who get them. They make rosaries on leather as a way of raising money to make the ones for missionaries. I am a big supporter. Take a
Always before bed, even if it is 3:00am and I am droopy-sleepy. I refuse to break it for any reason, because one reason always leads to another.
i used to pray the rosary every night before going to bed, but since school often prevents me from getting to bed before 1-2 am , i found that i was not focusing on the prayers because my mind was just so tired. i would doze off, or loose track of the prayers, or have my mind run endlessly, and worse, i would constantly be rushing through it to get to bed. now i say it first thing when i come home from school, im much more awake, can take my time, and it offers me peace inbetween the pressure of school and then the stress of completing all the hw, SAT stuff, and college apps :eek: 🙂 but yes. i pray a rosary every day, and enjoy it very much
I pray it everyday, usually in the evening after I get home from work. If I wait until just before bed, like other people have mentioned, I’m just too tired and easily distracted.
I have to say its really growing on me. Even though I don’t say it everyday, I can’t remember it being so attractive to say. Its always been either too long or too monotonous. But recently I’ve really found a peace while saying it. I truly feel the Blessed Virgin is taking me by the hand. I really do feel a very genuine motherly presence while saying it.
I made a committment to say a daily rosary for one year six months ago. I have to tell you, it has added immensly to my life…but my spelling still stinks so forgive me if I have too many “m”(s) and “T”(s) in some of these words.
I need to start to…sometimes when I don’t realize it, I start reciting Hail Mary’s in my head when I’m scared or in trouble…I wish I could get into the habit of at least saying one a day, the problem is that I never formally learned the rosary. I know the ten Hail Marys, the Glory Be, and the Our Father and stuff, but I don’t know what any of the mysteries are or how the prayers in the beginning part and the end of the rosary go (I think one is the Hail, Holy Queen…yeah, that’s about as far as I can get) can anyone give me the complete set of prayers for the rosary and how and when to say them and with what mysteries? this is something I really want to learn. thanks
I carry my rosary everywhere everyday. I don’t always say it, however since October is the month of the rosary, I have said it everyday so far.
~ Kathy ~

Thank you for the link to the Rosary page. I e-mailed it to my husband.

My husband and I have been saying the Rosary before bed since we started going to TLM during Lent of 2005.

Saying the Rosary has become such a part of my life that I can’t imagine not saying it.

Again, thanks! soonersvi
For several years I have been saying the Rosary without missing many days. I can tell you for certain that my life has been more meaningful and joyful.
I pray the rosary everday, remember our blessed mother has ask us to pray the rosary everyday, she is the mediator, of all times, she can intercede for us through her son our lord Jesus. And also These are the promises of our lady to those who say the rosary.
  1. Her special protection in our lives.
  2. A happy death.
  3. Eternal salvation of our soul.
  4. To die with the sacraments.
  5. Freedom from afflictions of misery.
  6. To obtain all we adk through the rosary.
  7. Devotion to the rosary will be a sure sign of savation.
  8. All who say the rosary will be freed of purgatory on the day they die.
    9 They will enjoy great glory in heaven.
    10 Most Holy Mary promised to help all those propagate the devotion of the rosary with all their needs. 😃
I always tell myself, well, the first of the month and I will start saying the Rosary, yet when it comes, I forget!

Why do I have a hard time remembering? Perhaps I have too much homework or am too lazy or just can’t concentrate. Can you guys pray for me to start praying the Rosary?
Always before bed, even if it is 3:00am and I am droopy-sleepy. I refuse to break it for any reason, because one reason always leads to another.
I am following your lead. I am saying the rosary before I go to bed. I do find it hard when I am really tired though to concentrate. Anyway, this is the only time that I can.

I used to go to the church during my lunch hour everyday and say the Rosary and meditate. I find that I have to shove everything that needs to be done in that hour, so now I dont have time. The night time Rosary is working out pretty good.

Thank all of you for your posts.
Paris Blues:
I always tell myself, well, the first of the month and I will start saying the Rosary, yet when it comes, I forget!

Why do I have a hard time remembering? Perhaps I have too much homework or am too lazy or just can’t concentrate. Can you guys pray for me to start praying the Rosary?
If I were you I wouldnt wait for a specific date. Start today and "force yourself" to pray it everyday for a week. It will be much easier after that. Once you get the habit of saying it every day,youll be surprised on how much impact it has on your life. Good luck, I`ll pray for you
I pray the rosary everyday,usually during my lunch break at work. I close my office door and the staff knows whats going on and are very respectfull. One of the staff is a Baptist and during her lunch she does her bible study. The owner is non-religious as far as I can tell. I gave him some Fatima booklets to read once after he asked me who Jacinda and Francisco were. I have their picture taped to my computer. Prettycool place to work. I just pray that some political correct person doent get hired and change things.
I started praying it about a year ago and I have not missed a day yet. 😃
I really, really try to do one every day, honest. I’ve even stayed after church to say them (daily masses). I think the most I’ve gotten to was about 9 days straight. But, I keep trying.

Even subscribed to for reminders, most days I get a big smile when I press CANCEL, because I’ve already done it.

It has made a huge difference in my attitude though. When I don’t do it for several days, I get very irratible (sp.), and don’t spell well :rolleyes:

Let me get to that Perpetual Prayer link 👍

I agree with the poster whose ladies finish the Rosary in 10 minutes, I’m lucky if I can get it done in under 30 minutes 😛

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