How Many Women Have Housecleaning Help?

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DS is an athlete, and is the kind of kid who makes himself a protein shake for breakfast – goes for long runs and longer mountain bike rides every day. When he has a bad day at school or tiff with a friend (as all kids do) – our son will go lift weights for an hour or mow part of the lawn to vent his frustrations. Sure, he loves his video games – but, never fell into the couch potato lifestyle.

Frankly, there never was any big secret or turn around – our family is more of a cross functional team, (remember, for the past 5 years my DH has been a stay-at-home dad) – so, the idea of everyone working to achieve the goal (laundry done, living room clean, etc.) is part of our daily life. Of course, DS is not a saint and he has had periods when he did not want to do some thing that was his “job” – and he would go that week without allowance, privileges, games, etc. No questions, no arguing – in order to have the fun part of family life and a full pocket for extras, you do your job.

Growing up as I did in a very non-traditional family – we worked as a team, so this is “normal” for me. My dad has been full time in the evangelism field his entire life, as he married and had children, the family lived that life. We spent on average of 20 days per month on the road – but there were times when we would not be home for 60+ days, living in an RV going from congregation to congregation, town to town, coast to coast – 100% home schooled, 4 kids, mom & dad and at least 2 dogs J EVERYONE had a job, from the time I was 10 – I was in charge of setup and tear down/load out of our sound system and instruments. When we were home, by the time we were early teens, we each did our own laundry and each had assigned housekeeping tasks. We also worked in the office of our parents. We earned our allowances and extra pay for extra tasks.

This gave me a real work ethic, and our son is now exhibiting the same (neighbors like to hire him to help out because he is a dependable hard worker).

Speaking of husbands, when DH and I were first married, he could not write a check, run a washing machine or cook anything. He was raised by June Cleaver J When I became disabled for almost a year, DH had a fast education in domestic science. My MIL now says she knows she did her sons a disservice by not teaching them how to cook and clean, and just beams when she hears about her grandson cooking something.

I’ve rambled on and on, but, bottom line – no work = no $$, no car (or being driven around), no phone, no games, no fancy Axe cologne spray (my son bathes in that stuff) - it works so well on teen boys! Light a fire in their pocketbooks J
Oh, I am so glad you started this thread, Sparkle. It is so hard for me to keep a clean, spotless house. Don’t get me wrong, we are not slobs or anything, but I just feel like I never get “caught up”. I’m either doing laundry, dishes, straightening up the living room, cleaning the cat box, etc, etc. And it always seems like the kitchen is full of dirty dishes! Or the floors need mopped…
I am not even going to get into what our computer room looks like. :eek: It is my goal to “organize” everything in here eventually. This room is mostly my husband’s, though, and he’s not exactly tidy.
I don’t think if I had the extra money I would hire someone else to do it for me. I think that would be a waste of money. I’d rather do like someone else mentioned above & go blow the money at Barnes & Noble.
Hi momof3boys: It’s so hard isn’t it? I so wish my MIL who has lived 7 minutes away, would have/could have offered all these years to help, instead of just critisizing me up to yin yang. Gosh. I think when I am a MIL, I’ll try to really be there for my DIL’s. I hear ya. And your mention of the “cat box” makes me chuckle. How precious our kitties are arent’t they? Well–momo3b: guess we cannot be too hard on ourselves, can we? We do the best we can…and just let go and let God, right? Afterall, I have heard it said by many, when kids remember their childhoods, they really don’t say: “Oh my mom was so neat you could eat off the floor, or we had 2 new cars, the latest…” NO. they remember the Love they were given and the fun in the home. Let’s always hope to provide this anyway. I know we have. For our home is the “open, and crazy one” on the block, with all the animals, (many)…and the weird stuff" well how organized? that’s another story. It is a disaster, if I don’t have help especially. Man----would I even have expected this with marriage? It’s the total opposite of what I ever hoped for, security, peace, etc., maybe the Lord has other plans for us.???In the meantime, I tend to be a nervous wreck at times. Pray for me.
I have just got rid of my household help. We got someone in every two weeks to do the basics. I am homeschooling five children and with a new baby it was a good idea. I admit I do tend to be ‘bionic woman’ BUT I simply can’t do everything and the baby and homeschooling was more than a fulltime job in itself. Also, after the last birth it took more than a year to recover due to complications so I just didn’t have the energy to do it. The kids do help around the house each day and all have assigned jobs on a rotational basis - but I only believe in getting them to help to a certain extent as they need time to relax and be children too.

My mother doesn’t live nearby and works fulltime and is studying. My mother in law refuses to help and thinks any help I get is my own mother’s job. My sister is busy with her own life. My friends are all busy with their own families. My husband is busy with working although when he is home he is very helpful and supportive. So I have to do it all on my own really.

Anyway, my baby is getting older and I am finding the cleaners to be more of a hinderance than a help now (can’t get in the kitchen or anything while they are here) so decided to let them go. I’m a very organised person but admit that I only just manage to keep up around here! I’m expecting that in a year or two this will be easy as the baby will be a preschooler.
I have just got rid of my household help. We got someone in every two weeks to do the basics. I am homeschooling five children and with a new baby it was a good idea. I admit I do tend to be ‘bionic woman’ BUT I simply can’t do everything and the baby and homeschooling was more than a fulltime job in itself. Also, after the last birth it took more than a year to recover due to complications so I just didn’t have the energy to do it. The kids do help around the house each day and all have assigned jobs on a rotational basis - but I only believe in getting them to help to a certain extent as they need time to relax and be children too.

My mother doesn’t live nearby and works fulltime and is studying. My mother in law refuses to help and thinks any help I get is my own mother’s job. My sister is busy with her own life. My friends are all busy with their own families. My husband is busy with working although when he is home he is very helpful and supportive. So I have to do it all on my own really.

Anyway, my baby is getting older and I am finding the cleaners to be more of a hinderance than a help now (can’t get in the kitchen or anything while they are here) so decided to let them go. I’m a very organised person but admit that I only just manage to keep up around here! I’m expecting that in a year or two this will be easy as the baby will be a preschooler.
Gosh mumto5: You have your hands full. * How many children do you have again? I admire you so much. Have you ever heard of Marriage Encounter? H and I just went last weekend. It was not the “save all” for our turbulent marriage but I do think every married couple would greatly benefit from going. *

Don’t forget—all you are doing is not in vain.

God Bless~

Your Friend~~

*Sparkle *
I agree that choosing to have a cleaning lady is a matter of priorities. I hate cleaning, so I work part-time and part of my salary goes to pay a weekly cleaning lady. She comes for six hours every Friday. I love her. She changes all the bedding, cleans bathrooms, vacuums and dusts the whole house, wipes the blinds and ceiling fans, cleans my fridge when it is needed, etc., etc.

I still have a lot of work though. My kitchen floor is white, ceramic tile and needs to be swept and mopped very often. I still have to deal with all of the clutter and organizing. I hate organizing more than cleaning, but a maid can’t really organize for you. I still have to do a lot of laundry and daily picking-up.

My kids are slowly learning to pick-up and make their beds. I agree that kids should learn to help around the house. I did the dishes every night as a child, cleaned the bathroom and dusted the whole house.

My cleaning lady only costs me 70 dollars a week. I don’t have cable TV or new cars. I would rather have a maid. My husband agrees.
Our kids have helped since they were old enough. They’re all teens now and still help. I would love household help, but it’s not in the budget. Neither is wine, books at Barnes and Noble and other such things 🙂 —KCT
I have a cleaning company come in once or twice a year on an as need basis for my drapes, carpets, upholstered furniture, bathroom tiles, especially the shower.
I don’t have hired help, but I do have a wonderful mother who comes to my house two days a week. After I take the oldest to playschool, I go upstairs to work in my business. She watches my youngest two and simply amazes me as to how much house work she can get done.

I never “leave” her things to do, but she takes out the trash in all areas of the house (diapers, etc) gets my kitchen cleaned. She can wash and fold about three loads of laundry in no time at all. Puts them away…makes up my bed. She doesn’t do heavy cleaning…I usually do that a little at a time. Mom just helps keep things “straightened up”. She also helps me during seasonal time for “rotating” clothes.

My housecleaning help is typing this post right now:D I miss having girls around, My daughter and little sister were so helpful, since they both married it’s been ME, cleaning up after my husband, two sons, father and even our dog is male!!!:rolleyes: They are slobs, think the kitchen is an all-night diner. Going “on strike” doesn’t work because they would live like that. I tried it already. But I love them all. :whacky:
I could not vote because I have no help!!! There are two things I tell anyone considering homeschooling that are critical: help with house work and someone to take the kids every couple of weeks or so. I have neither… 😦 and I will have a hard time not “coveting” you all that do…

I do manage to get out with my husband now that my youngest is older and the bigger kids can be in charge, and that is great; but I always, always have a messy house that I cannot keep up with… and I hate it :crying:
The only help I get is from my husband when he not on a mission. I feel the same way you do and I have only three children.

I have a relatively high standard of “clean” so I constantly feel like I am failing. I live on base so have to keep a perfect yard too. They have an award called “Golden Sheer,” and I have won it the past three years. I am a bit obsessed about keeping my house perfect inside and out, which is impossible with three children and homeschool, so I find myself very frustrated with myself at times.

Having children eventually forces the neat freek inside of a person into a corner. Sometimes It even has tomato sauce thrown at it. The thing that really bothers me is the lack of space. WE have far too much crammed into a small space (less than 1200square ft for all five of us, and our homeschool stuff, a cat, a lizard and a guinea pig. I am in constant motion. If I am not cleaning every minute of the day that we aren’t doing school work, the kids (who outnumber me) mess the house faster than I can clean. I usually clean at night and make the house spotless, by the end of the next night it looks like I haven’t cleaned in a week. It’s so FRUSTRATING!!! I would never have the money to hire a cleaning service, and it woudl be a total waste because it would be trashed the next day and I would just have to clean it all over.

I vaccuum at least once per day, run the diswasher twice, clean the kids’ bathroom once per day, mop every other day, dust every two to three days, mow once or twice per week, water weed, edge, clean the sidewalks, patio and driveway once per week. do an avg. of a load of laundry per day, prepare three meals (unless we waste money eating out) and clean the dining table at lest three times per day. Thankfully we bought a glass top to cover teh wood or all the finish would be worn off by now! Drive kids to soccer and Karate, teach them from 7am- 2pm (they wake me at 6am) and teach CCD on Sundays. I used to be able to work out, but now I have seriously taken a backseat in this family, just out of necessity. I hope this will change soon. My husband’s job is quite demanding of the whole family. I feel like I’m in the military and I’m just a wife. I have a cross stitch that says “Air Force Wife, the toughest job in the Air Force,” :hmmm:

I wish I had a maid!!! I would even settle for a babysitter. We don’t have one.
*Once per month…sometimes more it depends on how much time I spend posting…:whistle: *
Hey thx! I agree! But without a H to back me up it’s really hard. I do think kids today are so completely and utterly lazy, and it’s just too easy to seem to fall by the wayside on computer and TV. We have a lock for one TV, but the computer----oh my???H doesn’t get home until 8:00—I pick my boys up and they’re like wild beasts when they get home. Help!!! I’m just not strong enough to enforce rules, etc. What do you suggest?
If dh doesn’t see the value in having a wife who is actually awake and not worn to the bone by the time he gets home… then maybe he needs to spend a week or two doing some solo parenting. Amazing what that can do for a fellow’s perspective.

**If dh doesn’t get home until 8pm, then it’s up to you to set the tone and bulldoze your way through. “Wild beast”?! Oh my! some things are much simpler than people think at first. If the computer is a problem, put a password on it and guard it with your very life. If the boys are wild beasts, it’s time for taming them (is that the husband you want your future dil’s to have?!) . This does not require too much yelling or whipping into shape as some may think. 95% of it is just letting them suffer with themselves! 😛 “I’m sorry I can’t take you to ___, but I’m busy trying to get ___ done.” “Well, I’m sorry all your underwear is dirty, here’s the detergent and there’s the washer.” **

Do NOT let them get away with not doing it just because it’s not done your way or even completely messed up!!! They WILL figure it out eventually. Don’t throw a fit about the mess piling up or problems they are facing… once they figure out that mommy isn’t going to be their personal servant anymore, they’ll be fine and everyone will be better off.

Especially that H of yours. Really, it completely unnerves me that so many have spouses that don’t insist the kids help the family in any and every way possible! My dh would hit the roof if he came home and saw that I did everything for everyone in our family of 9.1. He would feel very strongly that they were not valuing me and were not learning to care for family. Besides that, he likes knowing that there’s still a little bit of me left over just for him at the end of the day. When everyone does something, no one has to do everything - it just makes sense.
As mom of three with one on the way, I know that overwhelmed feeling. No money in the budget for outside help. I did find a great website It has really changed the way I see my house and homekeeping.

Hope it helps. It really helped me a lot.
I think that it is so much harder for us in our present culture because
  1. Kids have many more toys
  2. families used to live together, or closer together, Parents and grandparents, Aunts and Uncles helped each other.
    3.) we have entirely too high of expectations on us.
I was raised in a large family where all the aunts, uncles and grandparents lived in the same town and they helped rear me!
Now I have the whole yoke on my back, my parents and siblings live far far away, I am left home alone all the time to do it all and I have very little time for a social life. I am mommy and daddy, teacher and maid most of the time. I do it because I love my children. I offer up all my frustrations all day long. I have people tell me that they don’t know how I do it, and all I can think of is “Jesus”

I have recently talked to my husband about changing our lifestyle, after 10 years of being a military wife it is starting to wear me down. I think turning 30 reminded me of all those silly dreams of youth that I gave up.

There won’t be any changes so I just have to accept it as my cross to bear. I just hope that when my husband finally retires and I can do some of the things I always dreamed of doing that I won’t get cancer or something. That would be par for the course.

Our culture is awful, they teach us little girls that we can have anything we want in life, to dream big, reach for the stars but they don’t tell you that you have to sell your soul to do it.:bigyikes:

I complained about the yard, true I dislike the work of mowing and edging grass, but my flower garden is a special prayer garden, and it keeps me sane to go out there and work on the flowers while the children play in the yard during our breaks.

I am very thankful that a new family moved in next door. She is from Korea and embarking on a new life in America. We have become good friends, and really appreciate each other’s company! I am learning so much from her about Korea and Japan.
This is a very interesting thread.
I work 9 to 10 hours a day outside the home and have two kids, a dog and a cat and a disabled husband. The poor cat gets the short end of the stick – she hasn’t been brushed in a week.
I too love, I think that site has rescued me. It really helps with clutter and learning to do a little at a time.
It sounds as if the families who have trained their children to help with chores have figured out the best plan. Women who wait on husbands and teen children are not doing them a favor, kids need to learn how to function and take care of a home. I wish my mother had taught me this, instead of my having to struggle through it on my own, but no one taught her. Perhaps it’s handed down generation to generation.

I had a woman who came in once every two weeks, but I spent so much time looking for things she’d put away that it’s easier on my own.
It’s fun to see how the rest of us struggle with the daily chores.
God bless us, every one!
I have house cleaning help -my husband. Our house started looking like hurricane ally this week because I’ve been having problems with shortness of breath (due to my heart problems.) I could do hardly any household chores without getting winded. I went out with a friend sunday afternoon and he cleaned the house while I was gone. He’s such a sweety. :love:

He actually helps me pretty regularily. My housekeeping skills have always been somewhat lacking. But I make up for it in other areas.😉
This is a very interesting thread.
I too love, I think that site has rescued me.
I had a woman who came in once every two weeks, but I spent so much time looking for things she’d put away that it’s easier on my own.
Hey like that flylady website! Thank you. And hahaha we too have not been able to find things after the maids left. Like the remote control! That’s the worst --(for hubby and kids anyway) LOL
I totally disagree. I do believe it’s just a matter of their priorities and their needs. Someone who feels housecleaning “is out of the question”, just might spend $25.00 on a bottle of nice wine, or $50.00 on dinner out, or $80.00 at Barnes & Noble, or on something else. I feel it is much more a matter of PRIORITIES, than a matter of what one can afford. We can all afford what is a priority for us.
Sorry, I totally TOTALLY disagree. If someone is complaining about money problems and has to forego paying creditors then they should not be buying wine, going out to dinner, buying books at Barnes and Noble or getting a housekeeper. And if it is just a matter of priorities then they will have **never **complained about not having enough money.

Trouble is people like to prove how little money they have today by spending more of it.
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