
Your house sounds just like mine. I just finished mopping all my floors, scrubbing out the bathroom and laundry room, and washing today’s first sinkful of dishes (by hand). This is what I did with my afternoon off of work. And now I’m in the computer room surrounded by piles of books and papers. Sigh.Oh, I am so glad you started this thread, Sparkle. It is so hard for me to keep a clean, spotless house. Don’t get me wrong, we are not slobs or anything, but I just feel like I never get “caught up”. I’m either doing laundry, dishes, straightening up the living room, cleaning the cat box, etc, etc. And it always seems like the kitchen is full of dirty dishes! Or the floors need mopped…
I am not even going to get into what our computer room looks like.It is my goal to “organize” everything in here eventually. This room is mostly my husband’s, though, and he’s not exactly tidy.
I don’t think if I had the extra money I would hire someone else to do it for me. I think that would be a waste of money. I’d rather do like someone else mentioned above & go blow the money at Barnes & Noble.

I know I’m never going to achieve spotlessness. I’d be happy with “less chaotic”. At least it’s not dirty, just cluttered.