I’m on the fence about this point.
On the one hand, it seems to not matter that there exist non-religious marriages. How people want to get married and people’s beliefs about marriage seems like something the government should not consider when granting marriage licenses. In other words, it is true that there exist secular marriages, but that doesn’t change the fact that the government has decided to legally recognize certain types of marriage over others. The government should grant marriage licenses to anyone who wants them unless the people who want them would be committing a crime (e.g. pedophilia, incest, or tax evasion.)
On the other hand, the existence of secular marriage may indicate that the government has its own definition of marriage which is decided separately from the definitions of religion. Indeed, the states typically require people who wish to get married to complete a marriage license independently of a religious ceremony. From this perspective, the government is not institutionalizing a religious arrangement. Instead, the government is recognizing that two people have taken on certain responsibilities towards each other, and correspondingly gives them certain rights. Those rights, specifically, are:
**Therefore, if gays wanted to take on those responsibilities and receive the rights, the correct thing to do would be to ask if there were any specific reason why gays would be unable to fulfill the any of the responsibilities or if it would be wrong to give them any particular right./**QUOTE]
Gays deserve no special rights or privelges, and marriage is ordered towards procreation, Skinner vs Oklahoma says as much and if one right is granted then other rights will be demanded. You are in favor of benefits as heterosexuals are entitled to and that is not correct. You favor granting special rights and priveleges and extended benefits and whatever child rearing that can be allowed. You want to promote legal status and it is not in the best interest of the child or the culture.
I oppose gay marriage for religious beliefs, accept that Culture needs marriage to produce the next generation and that it is in the best interest of the children to oppose any notion of gay marriage that could lead to children being raised by homosexuals.
I refuse to consent to scientific studies with children and homosexuals.