Just being involved with your child will give you clues if abuse is happening.
I wish, I pray, that I would have been homeschooled. I could have avoided the sexual abuse, drug use, physical violence, and exposure to so much evil. That’s just me though, and I realize it’s harder today (because of single parent homes, both parents working, etc etc etc). Just my 2 cents, good on those who can homeschool. God bless.I realize most folks think homeschool is being “over protective”
Great post. The tendency you describe, to disengage from our responsibilities and pay someone else to look after it, is pervasive in our world today, or at least in American culture.Part of the problem we have had in general is that the rank and file laity has tended, over the years, to figure that just showing up for Mass was all that they needed to do. After Vatican II the laity was supposed to become more involved in the Church but by and large the rank and file, acclimated to just being provided for by the church, didn’t, and those who did become involved were often those who had an agenda of some sort. So the laity continued to just pass everything on to the Priest in a radically changing era, and the clerics either continued to figure they were running the whole show or found that the only people who were really interested in things had agendas that didn’t necessarily square with orthodoxy.
I am happy for you that your priest is expressing his thoughts and feelingsOur priest expressed sadness, shame, and anger in his homily on Sunday. He said a similar thing that human brokenness, not The Church, are the root of this evil. He described how when he is out and about in his clerical collar, he is surprised that more people don’t make rude comments. He also promised us he would talk more about it later.
In fairness, medical science has advanced to the point where a person who is not themself a medical professional often cannot care for their parent’s illness in the home. My mother’s last illness required 24-hour care and IVs and all kinds of other things I simply could not do. Having visiting nurses coming into your home is sometimes an option, but not always, depending on where you live, the level of care needed, and whether your home is or can be arranged so that a visiting person can be coming in and out easily without creating other risks or issues for the rest of the family. By the time you get to the point of needing 24 hour care, the cost to have people come in is about on the same level as if you put them in the nursing home.Many do not take care of their aging parents, but rather send them to nursing homes
Except they actually do.Then we wonder why young people want nothing to do with religion.
Not to sound dismissive, but they will be the “old guard” themselves soon enough. Meanwhile, they can be the change they want to see in the Church.Young people are frustrated, I think, that an old guard holds on to everything.
What?The Church isn’t entirely responsible.
That’s the very point.Not to sound dismissive, but they will be the “old guard” themselves soon enough. Meanwhile, they can be the change they want to see in the Church.
The generation that came of age in the 60s and 70s is now in their own 60s and 70s. Soon they will pass away.
I don’t hate them. I just don’t appreciate the views that some seem to have toward younger generations in various ways.I hated boomers too. Old hippie pains in the neck.