How our priest addressed PA scandal helped

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Your opinion isn’t supported by the latest reports.

Young adults around the world are less religious by several measures​

Adults under 40 are less likely to be religiously affiliated​

Perhaps the simplest way to measure attachment to religion among people of all ages is to look at the percentage of people who identify with a religious group. Pew Research Center surveys around the world routinely ask: “What is your present religion, if any?” Respondents are given a country-specific list of potential responses (which generally include several major world religions, as well as “atheist,” “agnostic” or “nothing in particular

The vast majority of people around the world claim a religious identity, such as Christian, Muslim or Hindu. But there is a clear age gap: Out of 106 countries surveyed, young adults are significantly less likely to be affiliated with a religious group in 41. In only two countries are young adults more likely to identify with a religion, while there is no significant difference in 63 countries.

Looked at another way, young adults are more likely to be religiously un affiliated. This is especially true in North America, where in both the U.S. and Canada younger people are less likely to claim a religious identity. (These findings are in line with the rise of the religious “nones” in the U.S., which is being driven largely by high levels of disaffiliation among young generations.) The gap is also prevalent in Europe – in 22 out of 35 countries – and in Latin America, where it applies in 14 out of 19 countries (including Mexico).
I think what he’s getting at is, the young people who are actually bothering to practice their Catholic faith want a more traditional Mass and church than all the free wheeling 70s stuff.

I see this myself at the local Newman Center.

I read about another Newman Center that was remodeled to look more like a traditional church, due to student demand for that. The previous “modern” incarnation of it turned the students off and instead attracted a lot of older non-student activist types. Which is also what I found hanging around the Newman Center at my undergrad college, which is why I spent precious little time there; there was nothing for me.
Depends where it is.

Franciscan University at Steubenville, yes, I’ve seen a young woman who attended there veiling herself at Mass and her mother was calling for Mass to be more in line with what we see on EWTN.

However, you can’t take the experience at a conservative Catholic College or at a Monastery and expect to see the same at the average Catholic parish Sunday Mass. The levels of faith among the parishioners is to wide to force a narrower viewpoint.

I wasn’t talking about a “conservative” college. It’s an ordinary state U whose Newman Center I go to. The students party on the weekends. They wear shorts and sundresses to church.
They also kneel on the floor, incorporate Latin in their Mass, and are interested in devotions like the Rosary and Stations and saints.
A number of them attend daily Mass.

When I was in college, I don’t think anybody went to the Newman Center to pray outside of Sunday Mass obligation. They mostly went to have art shows about nuclear disarmament and that sort of thing.
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Well it may be the aesthetics they’re attracted to more than developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. You don’t need Latin at Mass for this to happen.

Some of the young people I’ve met here and in other social media groups, have an ego-identity attachment to the Catholic Religion and are very critical of Catholics who don’t help fill that desire.

In time, they get bored and first struggle to remain. They either give up, or become religious fanatics, which is worse than had they left.

In the year and a half I’ve been going to the Newman Center usually about once or twice a week when it’s open, I haven’t met anybody there who has “ego identity” anything.
They are college students, praying and going to Mass.

I don’t know why you are in such a rush to be critical of them or to dismiss what I am saying. It’s like you don’t like the idea of them wanting to be a little more traditional than people were 40 years ago.
I referred to those I’ve met in this forum and others, not the one’s you’ve attended Mass with at the Newman Center.

BTW, did you get to know them outside of Mass ?

As a millennial who has watched countless my age come into the Church, we all have the same concerns and complaints.

We came to the Church for what we read in books but when we arrived we found something … else. The millennials I know long for a more structured, more traditional, less … worldly Mass and Church.

I think, at this point, we are all seeking an escape from a culture that is increasingly barren of truth and morality and we don’t appreciate when our Church is tainted with modernity as we tend to see modernity as part of this culture we are seeking to escape.

That’s just my perception though and I could likely be wrong.
So your reason for being in the Catholic Church is because of your escapism desires ?

Is that aimed at me?


That wasn’t my point at all?

But I’m not sure I’m in a place where I can explain any clearer than I did (not on you, on me - dealing with stuff offline).
I didn’t mean it literally. It’s just something that happens in society. When the pendulum swings too far one way, people seek the exact opposite. And I think the pendulum has swung QUITE far left so people are scampering right to return things to balance.

I used the word ‘escape’ but I didn’t mean we treat the Church as a form of escapism, just that it is our refuge as the world goes mad.
Things don’t change by escaping into the Church for another ideology.

We are Catholic in order to grow closer to Jesus Christ and to bring Him to the culture we live in.

One of the flaws of Catholics is to have a dualistic mindset when it comes to faith, i,e, “I’m right, others are sinners.”

Fact is, we are all one in God’s eyes and connected to each other and God as a whole

It’s why when one sins, we all suffer from the sin, not because of it.

Seeing God in everyone and everything is the only way to heal a broken culture. See sinners as your brothers and sisters which you too sinned and caused them harm,

We suffer together and we will rejoice together in God.

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The Church is my refuge. The Church is my strength. The Church is truth. I’m sorry if that bothers you? But that’s how I and many other millennials feel (that I’ve spoken to). Not sure why this is worthy of debate…
Change Church to Christ, for if Jesus isn’t the center of your life, the rest will just be following an ideology which your ego has attached to

Obviously the Church is Christ. This is Christ’s Church.

As a former Protestant I take great comfort in a solid, firm, long-standing Church that I can lean on, rely on and love.
Obviously the Church is Christ. This is Christ’s Church.
Not necessarily

The Church can just mean the practice of religion.

Faith, is a gift from God, it is God’s revelation of Himself to the person, however that may happen.

Religion is the response to faith.

As St Augustine wrote, " there are those after finding themselves Catholic, remain so because of their attraction to the doctrines and rituals, but they’ve yet to become Christians."

I’m not saying about you personally, only you can evaluate for yourself, if you desire to follow Jesus in whatever way he asks of you, or just follow the religion because it makes you feel separate from the culture,

I’m only Catholic because I followed Jesus, so no worries. And no need to evangelize.
Don’t assume I don’t think the predators should not be punished by what I said is reassuring.
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