How should a Catholic respond to growing evidence against church teachings on LGBT parenting?

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“and woe to the one who leads these little ones astray…” something about a millstone around the neck…
American woman Katy Faust, a Christian, was raised by two lesbian parents and came to speak out against Same Sex parenting. For this she has received condemnation and contempt, including from Christians.

She has an organisation dedicated to promoting traditional marriage as being the in the best interests of children - Them Before Us. The organisation opposes both same sex parenting and divorce.

I mention Faust and Them Before Us because this argument is not new. They (amongst others) have been in the field for years and are very familiar with the arguments.

On the topic of these “studies”
It’s difficult to unearth the truth with all the noise and fanfare surrounding the studies that purport to show “no difference” between children raised in the home of same-sex parents and those raised in the home of their married mother and father. It’s also discouraging that in our highly educated, scientifically minded society many have accepted this claim without really understanding the evidence. So, if you are a fan of data and research, here is an itemized review of every single study done on the subject of same-sex parenting: A Review and Critique of Research on Same-Sex Parenting and Adoption.

Your OP…

“Rarely is there as much consensus in any area of social science as in the case of gay parenting, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics and all of the major professional organizations with expertise in child welfare have issued reports and resolutions in support of gay and lesbian parental rights”
I trust that you are only reporting what you have read, and my following is addressed to the report, not your personally.

This rubbish is why people should not trust anything which comes out of the universities on social issues. (I am excluding the “hard sciences” as beyond the scope here, rather than because I think they are much better).

Their conclusion is just blatantly absurd. It’s like spending years in a laboratory and proving say, that all people are equally gifted at playing football. I’m sure it can be done, but the result only proves the corruption of the process, not the intended “conclusion”.

There is no arguing with these people. They have devised social experiments to prove a political point rather than make an honest investigation, and they have succeeded. Their “peer review” process supports their deception. You could start investigating the original reports and find the flaws, but they have more time than you to keep arguing, and then when you’ve got a point they’ll just say “So what?”, and keep churning out the same stuff.

For the corruption of the humanities and social sciences I recommend you start with…

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All we can do is proclaim the Truth. It’s the Holy Spirit who converts.

I see this as extremely problematic though, if we’re reducing the teaching on marriage to the equivalent of a disciplinary law. i.e. You can’t eat rabbit, but you can eat cow. You can’t eat pig, but you can eat chicken. That teachings on marriage are just seemingly arbitrary rules that we’re suppose to follow.

Honestly, I know optimism would naturally make us want to believe that these various accredited bodies have a high level of objectivity and that we can trust them on every subject, but we can’t. The corruption, social pressure, professional pressure, and in some cases just simple cowardice is very real. Academia consists of mortal, weak human beings and they are as corruptible (or - due to their position - more corruptible) as anybody else. It is politics and special interests and all the other predictable features of human history.
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Recently, more and more evidence has begun to come out that parents in same-sex relationships who are parenting a child, presents no harmful benefits in comparison to opposite-sex parenting couples.
I am guessing that “modeling of same sex sexual relationships” did not count as a negative in the research to which you refer?
I grew up with a mother and a father and they never modelled opposite sex sexual relationships for me. I never once saw them have sex. So why do you think that gay couples would be modelling same sex sexual relationships for their kids? Do most kids know or even want to know what their parents do in bed?
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Recently, more and more evidence has begun to come out that parents in same-sex relationships who are parenting a child, presents no harmful benefits in comparison to opposite-sex parenting couples. An example article is this:
We as Catholics are called to bring up our children with catholic values. That is the bottom line.
Most kids understand at some point (usually before the age of 10) that their parents have sexual relations, that is kind of how most of us came to be…
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It’s not a sin for a gay person to be a parent. Many gay people are probably good, loving parents.

The issue lies in bringing up a child in a home where its parent(s) are engaging in a lifestyle deemed immoral by the Church.

To me, it’s the exact same issue as if the child had two straight parents who had chosen to just live together and not get married, or if the child was living with three straight people who were all in a poly relationship with each other. Those people might all be good, loving parents too, but their lifestyles are not permitted by the Church, and the Church wouldn’t want children growing up thinking that’s okay.
The better answer is to say that homosexual relationships are wonderful and loving as well,
The Church isn’t going to say this. Please respect Church teaching.
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There is so much more to a sexual relationship than just the sexual act. I saw my parents appreciate each other “sexually” by flirting with each other, hugging and kissing each other, and by a special kind of attention and attentiveness reserved for each other.
I grew up with a mother and a father and they never modelled opposite sex sexual relationships for me. I never once saw them have sex. So why do you think that gay couples would be modelling same sex sexual relationships for their kids? Do most kids know or even want to know what their parents do in bed?
Active demonstrations of sexual relations was not suggested Thor. But I’m guessing you knew that. :roll_eyes:
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You also have to think about ‘who’ is doing these studies … I can tell you it’s not The Church or God himself or saints. So are you going to take the word of people who are not in heaven or possibly not even on the narrow path to heaven?
I’m not.
My mom married a man, your mom married a woman. Your mom has a disorder and is not normal. My mom is. My religion says so.
I don’t know which religion says any of that. Whether Homosexuality is a “disorder” is for medical practitioners to decide. Currently they have no clear understanding of why it arises, but their decision is not to classify it as a disorder.

As to the behaviour of two persons of the same sex engaging in sexual acts, yes, the Catholic Church categorizes those acts as “disordered”. The term is also applied to other morally wrong acts.
The question is how to respond when the science disagrees with that assessment.
How do you respond when all science, evidence, and experience contradicts Catholic moral teaching?
In other words, the science shows homosexual parenting IS a good thing.
The science shows being raised by homosexual parents IS normal.
Again. Did you read these studies and their methodology and how they selected the participants and even what they believe are “good outcomes”?

Or did you find a literature review that agrees with your opinion?

I’m old enough to remember when the psychiatrists insisted that divorce had no detrimental effect on kids (except maybe they’d cry a little bit at the beginning). But as time went on, a very different picture emerged.

Or for that matter, when they insisted that abortion had no long term effects on women. Over time, a different picture emerged.

So yeah, color me skeptical…
There is literally no difference in same-sex parenting. Same-sex parents can impart Christian values just the same as heterosexual partners.
Same-sex parents can teach their children that marriage is between two people. These are still Christian values.
Same-sex parents can teach their children that marriage is between two people. These are still Christian values.
Same sex parents cannot help but declaring the sex of the parties to marriage does not matter. That runs counter to Christian values.
You do know affirming Christianity is still Christianity, right? LGBTQ+ individuals can still be Christian AND embrace their sexuality/gender identity.
LGBTQ+ individuals can still be Christian
Though they part ways on one element. I am assuming the teachings of Jesus Christ as we find in the Bible is your guide to Christian principles.
AND embrace their sexuality/gender identity.
I don’t know what that expression means. If it means “see same sex sexual relationships as consistent with the Christian vision of marriage” - I’d suggest that’s a mistake.
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