The world has heated and cooled and will continue to do so long after we’re gone unless the Apocalypse happens.
You know what the farmer said when his mule died: Well, he’s never done that before!Well, I’ll bet if you ask the odds-makers in Vegas about it, they’d say that betting on the sun coming up in the morning is a much, much safer bet than betting on a climate catastrophe in 12 years.
First of all, you need to decrease your media consumption. There’s a lot of unnecessary and unhelpful fear mongering in the media lately. Contrary to popular belief, the sky hasn’t fallen yet.What should a young adult like me do in the face of the culture of fear around climate change?
Don’t become paralyzed with fear. This Too Shall Pass. Continue living your life and be a good steward of creation.How should I respond?
In the words of Reinhold Niebuhr,How should I keep up hope?
It’s very unlikely that Climate Change will directly kill you. Our ancestors endured the end of the last Ice Age and other tremendous hardships with far less at their disposal. In my opinion there are currently far more imminent threats.How should I live a life of heroic virtue now, in case these years are the only ones I have to live that life?
Please name it.They are already confessing to plants in one seminary.
What?They are already confessing to plants in one seminary.
SeraficLeo said:Problem is all that data is collected from airports and major road arteries that heat up as traffic increases and pavement or concrete is laid down in the facinity. Call your local weather station (even the news one) and they will tell you they get their temperature data from the local airport.