How Should I Deal With Climate Change Fears?

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I hear by declare this a climate change memes thread. Let the fun posting begin!

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Stay positive and have hope and try to keep level Headed like you mentioned.

Living in fear is not helpful and it cripples people.
If you are prone to this it might be best to avoid watching too much news or reading about climate change etc…

Realistically,there are real issues with the climate that need addressing asap,but it’s important to also use your reasoning to be aware that anyone who is talking about it with fear rhetoric is overblowing the issue.
We want to have serious measures taken-not fear and hysteria.

It might help to take a step back and get some perspective.
What I mean by that is by being aware that there has always been something negative going on in history in society that could cause us to fear if we let it.
Eg:we’ve had Cold War,and Vietnam war,Gulf war,predictions of the world ending by claimed catholic prophecies and Nostradamus (if you believe that sort of nonsense),worries about cloning,attacks on world trade centre etc…
Ie:the world has gone through some horrid things and we are still here.

People prone to fear have been fearing in the 70s,80,90s etc…
Ie:there has always some world negative event happening.Knowing that can help a person feel more confident for today.

If that doesn’t work,then maybe try to turn your fear into excitement.

The way I see it,don’t we live in a very exciting world today?!
We have people motivated to make changes and kids being mature enough to take an interested in the environment.
We live in the age of technology that makes everything more connected and with new potential for innovative solutions to our climate issues etc.
For once I agree with the estimable Senator from a place where only they can afford to complain about the rich: “Enough with memes already.”
I warmly encourage you not to let this fear (or any fear of the type you can do nothing about) stop you from making your best life-choices now. Get married! Have kids! We never know how long we or our kids have on this earth anyway. There are countless “what if’s” in life. But we are still responsible before God for what we do with our one life. Don’t let fear slow you down!! Even IF you had only one year with your wife and child before the world ended, you would enjoy eternity with a precious little soul (your child) who would never have existed if you hadn’t taken that leap of faith!!
I’ve been thinking about what I can do. Part of me says no to this idea, mainly based on the whole “Prayer on street corners isn’t good for your soul” thing, but I want to start praying the Rosary somewhere in public for climate action. Get the world to start paying attention somehow. Anything I can do to say something and get a message out to people about our responsibility to action is important. Use the voice God gave me. Again, I’m not sure how great of an idea it is, but it’s better than being crippled by fear. God is making my fear become vigor and that’s what I need.
and cooled and will continue to do so long after we’re gone unless the Apocalypse happens.
Totally correct. In the valleys of the Nevada desert there are bones of Fish and Whales.

The Earth is beautiful created by God. It will stand long after humans are extinct. History shows us… (Iceage) and when it warm up again, which it will. Humans need to be ready as Mother Earth waits for no one.
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If humans didn’t exist… The Earth would still warm up and cool down.

We as humans only speed this up.

But ultimately have no way of slowing mother earth down.
What should a young adult like me do in the face of the culture of fear around climate change? How should I respond? How should I keep up hope?
in my various catholic high school religion classes I was reminded throughout my formidable years, that life is terminal, greed is a sin one should always avoid because it can start a slippery slope process AND that “grief” can lead to paralysis (if one does not recognize the what is happening)

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having been introduced to the frame work of the five stages of grief long ago made me realize that the issue of climate change is just another problem in life that needs to be acknowledged then addressed head on (unlike far too many as I see things),… AND as I see things “hope” which is desire for a certain thing to happen (depends upon your willingness to act)

anyway one other major idea I picked up in my religion classes was to take moral responsibility,… which means to me to leave this world in better shape than I found it,… appears other(s) here have a somewhat similar mindset
Frankly I don’t know how much we can do, or undo, but I don’t think it’s OK for anyone to be so lazy or apathetic or gluttonous as to use up resources carelessly or treat any of God’s creation wrecklessly, regardless of what may or may not be impending. There are little things all of us can do in our own lives to be kinder to the earth. Make smart, sustainable decisions regarding your consumption where you can, and encourage those close to you to do the same.

things everyone [SHOULD] do [EVERYDAY]:​

Pick up Litter

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Sløtface tackle “the desperation of climate change” on powerful new single ‘Sink Or Swim’

“…The climate crisis is a huge and bundled issue,” added Sløtface bassist Lasse Lokøy. “Instead of showing icebergs melting and things that feel so far away, we felt that it made sense to make this about something we all live every day: Trash.

Sløtface tackle "the desperation of climate change" on powerful new single 'Sink Or Swim'
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In response to the Original post. A lot of things might kill you but climate change probably won’t. I’m assuming your an older teen/early 20s. I’ve been hearing about this my entire life and not one of the sensational predictions has yet come true. I’d calm down and relax and realise that a lot of the climate hysteria is manufactured to scare people.
And if you can’t do that then remember that Christ told us to be afraid not of that that can kill the body, but fear that which kills the soul.
You’ll find the same people behind climate change, militant feminism, mass immigration, secularism, homosexual agenda, etc. Once you see that there’s a clearly coordinated agenda designed to instill fear in people and control us, it becomes liberating.

Jesus lived under Roman occupation and Pharisaical browbeating, and still overcame evil.
Amen to that. I said a long time ago my issue with these folks was alarmism.
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I’d guess a well ordered and healthy amount of detachment can help, but practically I’m not sure how obtainable that is.
Be not afraid.

Yes, there is a lot going on with climate and it is ever changing. Are we masters of the climate?

Humans are called to be stewards of the earth. There have been up’s and down’s in how we manage our resources.

There is silence on what we are doing good at. Think about how bad it would be if the trash man didn’t do his job. Think about how bad it would be if we didn’t have laws protecting water. There is so much we are doing well at, but the doomsayer’s keep promoting fear.

Sure, I’m up for positive changes. I shut out people who only sing about doom. I look for a well rounded view to help me see where I can do better or at least where my voice can join with those to make things better. The rest is outta my control and I trust in God.
Fear? In late 1970, the biggest selling climate book was “The Coming Ice Age” I suppose that some were fearful back then. The rest of us just lived our lives and pretty much forgot about it. But now, there are billions to be had in predictions of doom. Power and money. Governmental growth and the restriction of freedom.

100 years ago, the climate was also changing - but there was no hysteria, as those folks weren’t beat over the head daily with the latest climate crisis from CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, NPR, L.A. Times, etc. etc. etc.

I, for one, would turn the media off. Why do we pay them money for this schlock?

Pull the plug.
I’m not ready to die.

Now, I realize nobody is ever ready to die. Yes, I’m not sounding really rational. Truth is, I’m pretty scared. I skipped my nightly devotion of a Rosary in favor of holding it and just finding comfort in that. Climate change scares the living daylights out of me because I don’t see a solution in sight. I can’t fathom world leaders actually doing what they’re supposed to and fixing the problems we face. What’s worse, I’m not old enough to try getting into a position of power myself and fixing it from there. I don’t want to be scared, but I don’t really see a way to not be.

I want to be a father and a husband. I want to pass on my knowledge and wisdom to others. I want to make my world a better place. Most of all, I want to live the life I should’ve been living since I was born. God deserves a saint, and I haven’t been one. I want to change that. I know God wants me to change that too. But I can’t do any of that if I’m not around.

What should a young adult like me do in the face of the culture of fear around climate change? How should I respond? How should I keep up hope? How should I live a life of heroic virtue now, in case these years are the only ones I have to live that life?

I know this is not the most level-headed of posts. If it’s better to have removed, I’ll do that. I just didn’t really know where else to go to find the catholic response to this problem I’m having.
This kind of irrational fear benefits from counseling. Find a good counselor or a trusted priest and talk with them.
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