How spiritual beings can sustain themselves?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bahman
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I mean if Angels could act on physical then they need energy to do so. They however has no energy since they are spiritual so how possibly they could affect material world?
Not sure what you mean by “act on physical”

Angels can communicate with us, talk to us. Could be in a dream or in person, but yes, they can communicate.
Do you believe that angels can affect material beings?
Through communicating, yes. Not sure what else.
I have no ideas what this could mean.
It means they don’t have to worry about earning a living, or providing physical sustenance for themselves, or being cold, or homeless, or whatever we ordinary mortals worry about.
What do you mean with vast? Angels have no form so why spiritual world shouldn’t be vast?

We also act and we need to spend energy to perform any simple task. What is equivalent of energy in Angel case?

I think influencing material world require energy or something like energy (previous comment). Moreover any interaction between natural world and spiritual world should be mutual. How we cannot influence spiritual world whereas Angels could?
Your question about vastness does not make sense to me. Please clarify.

There is no equivalent of energy in the case of angels. Their superior will and intellect are sufficient to accomplish physical acts. Please consider the way that your will can cause actions. Then think about how an angelic will, which is immensely more powerful than ours, can also cause action.

There is no mutual interaction.
The claim that Angels are sustained by God seems unreasonable to me. This is like hiding our ignorances on a topic when we say God does this, that, etc. To me creation should be able to sustain itself.
But it **doesn’t **sustain itself; it runs down under the law of entropy.

There is no equivalent of energy in the case of angels. Their superior will and intellect are sufficient to accomplish physical acts. Please consider the way that your will can cause actions. Then think about how an angelic will, which is immensely more powerful than ours, can also cause action.
Intellect and will are not sufficient to produce physical effects. All of Stephen Hawking’s intellect, however powerful, won’t get him on his feet, never mind producing effects outside his being.

Your will can produce action because it is united to a mind, inside a head, which is linked by nerves to limbs, which generate motion. But all the will you can muster won’t get you into the Olympics if you haven’t the right kind of body. Will is not enough.

The question of physical action without energy is a valid one.

Intellect and will are not sufficient to produce physical effects. All of Stephen Hawking’s intellect, however powerful, won’t get him on his feet, never mind producing effects outside his being.

Your will can produce action because it is united to a mind, inside a head, which is linked by nerves to limbs, which generate motion. But all the will you can muster won’t get you into the Olympics if you haven’t the right kind of body. Will is not enough.

The question of physical action without energy is a valid one.

Mr. Hawkings’ intellect is minuscule. Our wills are drops in the ocean compared to the wills of angels.

Physical action does require energy. Angels do not store or expend energy.

Demons have been known to cause physical objects to levitate. Objects have been known to disappear or appear. These are violations of conventional physics; A body at rest tends to stay at rest. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

Lets just examine making an object appear: Einstein has already shown the equivalency between matter and energy. Besides energy which can be converted to matter, what else is required to create an object? The answer is information. Just as a DNA molecule has all of the information to create a duplicate human, sufficient information can be known to create an object. Angels know this information They are that smart.

Here is my conjecture: We know that a colossal amount of energy is released when a single atom is sacrificed (think atomic bomb).Therefore,a huge amount of energy is needed to create an object. The energy can be called God’s power. Angels have access to God’s power and can direct the power with their wills.
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